⇢ ch. 1

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You push open the door and enter the café, the smell of coffee hitting you. You smile, happy to be in a place that feels like home. The atmosphere feels homey and oddly normal, as if you've been here before.

It was one of the few parts of Korea that reminded you of your home country, as cafés are universal and you visited many back home.

You look at the menu, trying to figure out what you want to order. There is a variety of coffees to choose from, which isn't unusual. You look at the pastry display, looking for something to eat as well. You are amazed at the different kinds of pastries and desserts this café has to offer. Some of the foods this café has to offer are a little different than back home, making you intrigued by them all.

You spot an interesting slice of cake, so you decide to buy that.

You go up to the counter, only to find an attractive guy in spectacles and a beret. You slightly blush at the sight of him.

He asks what you want to get, and in your broken Korean, you order. You manage to order the cake you want as well as a caramel latte, thankful that the person helping you speaks a bit of English.

You then proceed to find a table near the window and sit down. You pull out your laptop to work on some homework, but you become distracted as you think about the guy that helped you.

You think about his eyes that sparked and his smile, as well as his dimples that appear when he smiles.

You smile to yourself, daydreaming about dating him.

The person who helped you with your order brings your coffee and cake over to you, breaking you out of your trance. You thank him, where he gives you a sweet smile in return. You're able to his see dimples, which makes your heart swell at the sight of them. However, you look down, blushing at the sight of how cute you find him to be.

"Enjoy!" He says to you.

You manage to look up before he leaves, giving him smile, and you watch him walk away.

You go back to your work, thinking about the cute employee briefly before you put your headphones in to help you focus. You end up forgetting about the cute guy, and you hone in on your work.

Little do you know, San keeps eyeing you, watching you do your work. He keeps stealing glances at you in between helping customers.

He finds you to be intriguing, as you seem shy. But he doesn't find find that a bad thing - that only makes him want to dig deeper to get to know you. The fact that you're also a foreigner makes you even more interesting, and that makes him want to get to know you even more.

But he's unsure if you will ever step in this café again. He realizes that he's making things up in his mind and that what he's thinking is unrealistic and unattainable.

After spending 2 hours in the café, you clean up your items. You find that a couple hours is sufficient, especially since you got a decent amount of work done.

You head out, but you sneak a glance in the direction of the register to find that the attractive employee is still there. You smile to yourself, thinking about how you plan to stop by everyday for the rest of the week at the same time to see when if he's working.

San notices you clean up and leave, saddened by your departure. However, he doesn't expect you to come by ever again.

The next day, you stop by the café again, but you are disappointed to see that the guy is not there. But you stay to do work.

You continue to stop by the café the rest of the week, where you find the attractive guy to be working there on some of those days.

On the Friday of the first week, San notices that you're wearing makeup.

"You look really pretty today," he compliments you.

You blush, taken aback that he complimented you.

"Thank you," you glow.

You order just coffee today.

"No cake today?"

"I'm not hungry today. Rather, I'm actually on my way to meet some friends. We're going out to eat and then explore Seoul a little bit. I wanted to grab some coffee so I would be able to stay awake," you awkwardly chuckle.

"Ah, I see," San replies, smiling.

You pay for your coffee and wait for it, looking around the café. You never  looked at the architecture and design of the café in depth before now. You find it to be really cute and quaint.

"Here's your order..." San says.

You look at San, giving him a smile.

"Thank you. Have a nice night!"

San gives you a smile, showcasing his dimples, making your heart flutter ever so slightly.

As you make your way out of the café, you look at your drink. And you find that San had written his name as well as his contact information on your cup.

You're shocked, as no one has ever done this before.

You stop outside the café and add him, messaging him afterwards so he would have your contact information as well.

You become nervous, as you're unsure of what is going to happen between you and him.

You've dated before, but you didn't expect to find someone you are interested in while studying abroad in Korea.

But you're curious; curious about San and the fact that he gave you his contact information out of everyone he could possibly meet in his life.

You're excited though. Someone so attractive remembered you and gave you his contact information.

You decide to keep this to yourself, not telling your friends about what has happened. You go about your night enjoying yourself even more because of your occurance with San.

You try not to check your phone too often, as to not draw suspicion to you.

But you see at one point that San responds, saying that he finds you to be really pretty and interesting, and that he wants to meet up with you to talk. He reassures you that he's not some creep, and that he wants to meet you in a public place to prove that to you.

You and San decide to meet on Sunday at a restaurant near the café for lunch, and you increasingly become happier and ecstatic about these new events occurring in your life.

Never did you expect that something that would come out of a movie happen to you in real life.

cafe | san - ateez {completed}Where stories live. Discover now