⇢ ch. 10

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"Did you really lose me if I came back after all this time?"

Your statement rings in San's head as he stares at you wide eyed. He doesn't know how to respond to you.

Your statement is incredibly true; he never lost you. You're here in the moment with San, proving that anything is possible.

"Sannie," you quietly say.

Your nickname for him startles him, as he hasn't heard it in a long, long time. And he missed it.


"I'm only here for one more week. But I want to make the most out of it with you. Are you free anytime this week?"

"Well...I have to see what my work schedule is like" San is hesitant, unsure what to say quite yet.

He doesn't want to lose you again. He is determined to make sure the two of you can spend the rest of your lives together.

During your conversation with him, he started to hatch out a plan to find a job for you in Korea.

He recently heard about a job posting in his workplace, and more than ever is he determined to get you that job.

"I leave Sunday," you tell him.

San thinks about how he only has a week left to get you that job, or try his best at jumpstarting it.

You and San end up walking around the area after finishing up at the café. You're happy that you'll be able to be distracted by the sights so you won't feel as awkward around San.

Everything still feels a little awkward with him, but you're also happy to be with him again.

You can't quite tell if you're nervous because it's been a couple of years or if you still have feelings for him, or if it's a combination of both.

You don't have a destination, so you walk mindlessly along the streets. Once in awhile you or San point out something you like, such as a cute dog or something in the window of a shop.

After awhile, San tells you that he has to get back to his apartment.

He walks you back to where you're staying though. When you get outside the front of your hotel, the two of you look at each other, not saying anything for a brief moment.

"Um, it was nice seeing you again," you smile.

San gives you a smile, dimples forming, making your heart flutter.

You feel a blush form on your cheeks.

"You too, [Y/N]," San rubs the back of his neck.

You say bye and wave before heading into your hotel.

San watches you, regretting that he didn't hug you. He misses your warm embraces, the times when the two of you could be carefree and not be awkward with each other.

He sighs and walks away, head down, hoping that he'll be able to help you.

When San goes to work the next day, he makes his way to HR [human resources] to learn more about the job posting.

San asks about how you could potentially get the job, and it turns out, you are able to do so if you so choose so.

After work, San sends the application your way, saying that he wants to meet up to talk about.

You agree to meet, nervous about it but want to hear more about it.

You don't have anything better to do anyway.

You meet at your usual place, the café. It's kind of like destiny, like it's always pulling the two of you to go there.

San opens his arms to hug you when the two of you meet, telling himself that he has nothing to lose.

You happily embrace him, thinking about how it's like old times.

The two of you sit and San becomes serious, which is a very rare side of him.

"Noona, I thought about our conversation we had. It hurts knowing that you're struggling. So I want to help you. I know that there's a job opening at my company. It's somewhat selfish of me to go about looking for a job for you, especially because I didn't ask for your permission. I say it's a little selfish because I really don't want to lose you. I think this is a way for us to stay connected. I truly care about you, and I love you. I loved every moment we had when you initially came to Korea. I don't want that to go to waste."

You think his words, San staring intently at you.

"I-first, thank you for thinking about me. I appreciate it," you smile at him. "I really do want to be with you. When I was here before, I really wanted to be with you. And it hurt that I couldn't stay. Me coming back might be the universe telling me, us, that we're meant to be together. So I'll apply, okay? We'll see what happens."

San breaks into a smile.

Over the course of the rest of the week, San spends his free time with you. When you're not with San, you work on the job application.

After the week ends and you have to go home, San takes you to the airport to send you off once again.

At the airport, San takes his stuffed animal Shiber from the bag that he took with him.

You were wondering why he had a bag with him.

He hands it over to you and says, "Take Shiber as a reminder of me. Hopefully he will remind you of us, and use him as a good luck charm."

Your heart aches at this moment, out of both joy and sadness.

"But Shiber is your most prized possession!" You protest.

"He's not. You've become my most prized possession. Shiber is just a material item that can be replaced. You, [Y/N], cannot be replaced. My heart aches for the fact that this may be the last time we will see each other. But I hope this isn't the last time we see each other," San gives you a sad smile.

You hug San, hopeful that the job will work out.

You look up into his eyes when embracing him. San brushes your hair out of your face and places his hand on your cheek. He leans down, and you close your eyes before you feel his soft lips crashing onto your lips.

Your lips move in sync, and you enjoy the moment.

You break apart, catching your breath. Reality settles in, knowing that you'll have to catch your flight.

San stays with you until you have to go through security.

The two of you give each other one last hug. Your heart aches, and so does San's.

After going through security, you give him one last smile.

San: I love you. Let me know when you get home and what happens with the job noona ❤

You smile, hoping for the best.

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