⇢ ch. 7

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On the day of your flight back home, San meets you at your dorm so he can send you off. He helps you with your bags, being the total gentleman that he is.

On the taxi ride to the airport, the mood is dull and sullen.

The two of you don't talk much because you don't want to talk about you leaving.

He helps you with your bags and helps you with customs and walks you to security.

Once you get there, that's where the two of you become a wreck. San starts crying, making you sad. You cry (if you're a crier) as well.

"Promise me that you'll stay in touch [Y/N]," San says after he finishes his sobbing.

"I promise. I vow to make sure we don't forget about each other."

"Please let me know when you get back to your house. I want to make sure you get back safely."

"I'll probably message you before I get back home. Hell, I'll probably message you before my plane takes off," you laugh.

San smiles, his eyes glassy.

"Good luck with everything. I hope you become successful."

"Good luck as well, Choi San. You've made my time here in Korea the best. I didn't think I would come here and meet a boy, especially someone so amazing as you. I love you. You are so kind, you've been so sweet to me. You are incredibly handsome."

The two of you share a long hug, and San kisses you one last time. It's a long and passionate kiss. You melt into his lips, yours molding into his.

You don't want to break apart, but you have to.

"I should go," you murmur after breaking the kiss.

San caresses your cheek with his thumb, giving you one last look, remembering your beautiful features.

You walk through security, and once you cross, you look back to see San stj standing there.

He bursts into tears, smiling through it all.

You give him a small wave, and he waves as well.

You: I miss you already you dork ;)

San: stop before I cry even harder.

You: you're literally crying so hard as it is. How can you cry even harder? 😂

San: only you can make me cry harder ;) miss you already as well beautiful 💛

You: you'll always be my Sanshine. I'll think of you on my rainy, dark days when I need the sun the most. 💛

You give him one last smile and wave before heading to your gate. The two of you continue to message each other before you take off.

You think about San the whole time you're not asleep on the plane ride. You imagine what your life would be like with him.

All the things you could do. Date, which is the first thing. Hold hands, kiss, not be embarrassed by PDA. Know that you could be with someone you are in love with.

Your heart aches for him. You know you'll always remember him, and you're incredibly thankful for the memories you created with him.

Once you arrive at the airport, you message San to let him know you're back.

He messages right away, which surprises you.

San: thank goodness you made it safely. I couldn't stop thinking about you.

You smile, thankful to have someone like him in your life.

After returning home, you continue to stay in touch with San, updating each other on each other's lives. You send pictures, message each other, and Skype each other once in awhile.

But as time progresses on, your contact with him becomes less and less. It was no one's fault, but rather it was just the natural state of life.

You naturally stray away from one another due to time zone differences and the fact that it's difficult for the two of you to find common ground. It's difficult for you to not have the person right next to you. Difficult to have that person come to you when you are sad.

But you keep your promise to San. You think of him on your hard days when you need light in your life. You reread your messages between you and him. You look at the pictures you took with him while you were in Seoul.

Those memories bring a smile to your face. You don't bother to message him because it feels like the two of you have faded to acquaintances. The lover parts have dwindled to vague memories.

It hurts your heart, but you deal with the pain.

After you finish college, you try to find a job, as all college graduates do. It is difficult for you to find one, as the job market is competitive.

A month into your job search, you feel frustrated with the lack of results. You remind yourself that it takes time, and that you need to stay patient.

You think about what you could do, and after much thought, you decide to use some of your savings to travel to Korea. You miss it because you created wonderful memories while abroad.

You heart aches at the thought of San and how in the past few years, you lost contact with him. Once in awhile, you look at his social media to see what he's up to. You are happy that he seems to be enjoying life and doing his own thing.

You think it would be weird if you tried to contact with him, so you don't let him know that you're heading to Korea for a few weeks.

Plus, you're really only going to be there for a couple of weeks, so why put yourself through that pain and suffering?

It really hasn't been that long since you last were in touch with him. But your contact with him only lasted a couple of months after being abroad.

You think about how time has flown by, and that in a matter of a short time, a lot can change.

You try to think positively about your trip.


[San's POV]

I miss her. There is not a day that passes that I don't think about her.

It's been over a year, and it pains me. My heart aches for her.

She has graduated college, and it seems like she's moved on with her life.

We kept in touch a lot in the beginning, but the contact naturally faded away.

We moved on with our lives.

I wanted to congratulate her on her graduation, but it felt weird if I did so.

I congratulated her in my heart. It feels like time can really change people. Let them move on.

Life seemed to naturally let us move apart. I hate that.

But I hope she's well and happy.

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