⇢ ch. 5

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A couple weekends after you first met San, he tells you that he wants to take you back to the Namsan Tower for a proper date.

You went out on a couple of different outings with him, but they were more carefree events during the day, like going to get ice cream or what not.

But he says he wants to treat you like a princess, whatever that is in his mind.

He tells you to dress nicely, so you decide to wear a dress and cardigan paired with booties. You put on makeup as well, and style your hair a little. You decide to put on perfume as well, because why not.

Your phone buzzes, and you rush over to it to find a message from San.

San: I'm outside your dorm :)

[Y/N]: I'll be right down!

You can't wait to see him again, but you feel so incredibly nervous. You feel that this night will be intimate. Well, the atmosphere feels different than the last time you went on a date with him.

You'll be alone with him, but at the same time you'll be in public.

But you've gotten comfortable seeing him at the café, which was like asafe haven, a place that felt like a second home in Seoul to you.

When you make it outside your dorm, you see San holding a bouquet of red roses, dressed in a white button down, a nice jacket, khakis, and hair slicked back. He's wearing glasses and has a smile on his face, his dimples accentuated.

"You look even more gorgeous than when I first met you," San compliments you.

"Thank you," you murmur, looking down briefly while tucking some of your hair behind your ear.

You holds out the bouquet of flowers to you, and you accept them.

"I should put these in my room since I'm still here. I don't want to lug them around with me," you say. "Why don't you come up with me so you don't have to stand out here alone?"

You and San go back into your dorm where you silently take the elevator together. It feels a bit awkward even though you've become close over the course of the past couple of weeks.

When you get off on your floor, you see one of your friends.

"Hey [Y/N]! Who are you with? Is this your boyfriend?"

You blush, "Ah, no. This is my friend, San."

San greets your friend, and the two of you make your way to your room. After dropping the flowers off, you then go on your way.

San hails a taxi for the two of you, and he holds the door open for you. You smile, and your heart swells at the kind gesture.

The two of you make small talk on your ride to the Namsan Tower, happy to be in the presence of the other.

The two of you take a cable car up to the top, and while you sit, San casually puts his arm around your shoulders. You're in tight quarters since there are other people in the cable car as well.

His small act makes your heart race since you aren't dating, but you wish you were. This showcases San's feelings for you, but you don't entirely know for sure.

Once you get to the top, the two of you make it to one of the more fancier restaurants. San had made a reservation, which makes you feel special.

He pulls out the chair for you and helps you in it.

So this is what he means when he said that he wants to treat me like a princess...

You look out the window, looking at the city lights twinkle against the darkening sky.

You can never get over this view.

The two of you talk about school as well as San's job.

You end up talking about how you became friends, in which San goes off about you.

"I've seen so many pretty girls in my life, but not as pretty as you. And then you came back to the café, so I thought I should shoot my shot and see where fate could take me. I'm so glad this all worked out."

You smile, flustered by his words.

"You're so kind to me. I'm so glad the universe brought us together as well."

The two of you finish your meal, and make your way back down to the Han River.

San pulls some sparklers and lighter from his jacket. He hands you a sparkler and lights yours and his, where the two of you run around, living your best life.

You forget about everything else, and in that moment, it's just you and San.

You feel like a little kid again, and you're happy to be here in Seoul, where you can forget about all of your worries and what the future has in store for you.

Once you're done playing with the sparklers, you and San walk parallel to the Han River, listening to the water lap against the side.

The two of you have a habit of walking along the Han River.

Your nerves are long gone, and the silence is  comforting in a way.

The two of you end up sitting on a bench, staring into the water, not talking. San puts his arm around your shoulders, making you nervous.

"Is it okay if I do something?" He murmurs.

"What is that something?" You turn, looking into his eyes.

"I-I want to kiss you," he murmurs.

You simply nod, becoming progressively more nervous.

He leans down, your eyes instantly closing. His lips softly press against yours, soft to the touch.

You press your lips against his, and your hand instinctively moves to his cheek. San wraps his arm around your waist.

The kiss feels like the sparklers, bright and fiery. It's refreshing, a nice change.

You break apart, looking into San's eyes.

"I want to date you so badly [Y/N]," San murmurs.

"Me too."

"Can we agree that we can be touchy with each other? Kind of like friends with benefits? Because in the end, we won't be together because you go back to your home in a few months."

You smile and nod, agreeing to his offer.

You get up and San laces his fingers through yours. He takes you back to your dorm.

Never in your wildest dreams did you imagine that you would fall in love with someone while studying abroad.

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