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"Kailea !"

The toddler turned her head to see her mom trying to get her away from the snow. Testing her mother's patience, she started running to the deeper part of the snow. Salice groaned and ran over to Kailea before picking her up.

"Why do you want to test me ?"

"Love you." Kailea cheesed.

"You act so much like me that it's crazy."

"I do ?"

"Yeah you do."

"No I don't." Kailea told her , jumping out of her mother's arms wildly , landing face first into the snow.  Salice pulled Kailea up and wiped the snow from Kailea's face.

"And you say you don't act like me."

Kailea ignored her. Salice bent down and started tickling her three year old. Kailea's laughter filled her ears before she let her go.

"Where's daddy ?" Kailea asked her , taking her hand.

"I don't know , let's go find him."

Salice and Kailea walked off together in search for Klay or the rest of the family. They walked around a little before seeing the rest of the family in the clearing in the backyard of the cabin.

Mychal and Julie were talking and whispering among their selves in the corner. Valerie was still inside because she was sick so she was watching everyone outside by the window. Ashley was talking to Mychel and Trayce while Klay's back was turned towards them.


Kailea let go of Salice's hand before running to her dad and attacking his leg.

"Woah and where did you come from ?"

"Me and mommy went exploring!"

Klay looked down at his daughter.

"Did you really go exploring with your mommy or did you explore on your own ?"

Kailea stopped and thought about it.

"Both." She told him with a smile. Klay sighed.

"Just like your mother." He mumbled to himself. He looked down at his ten month old son who was holding onto his hands , standing in the snow.

"Is he enjoying it ?" Salice asked Klay before walking around to see her son's face.

"I don't know , his face is just emotionless."

"Wonder who that reminds me of." Salice teased as Klay gave her a glare.She turned her head to their son. "You okay bud ?"

He just looked her and sucked on his pacifer before looking around. The grandparents then walked over. He smiled and stuck his hands out for his grandfather to take him. Mychal bent over and picked up his grandson.

"Hold on I need to take a picture, he looks so cute!" Salice said with excitement before pulling out her phone and taking a picture.

"Hold on I need to take a picture, he looks so cute!" Salice said with excitement before pulling out her phone and taking a picture

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