CHAPTER 9 "LIES" (Rose & Luisas POV)

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Luisa looked into her eyes. 


"I don't understand...?"

'Petra' sighed, frustrated with Luisa's reaction. She grabbed Luisa's hand and led her out to the large balcony, away from Rafael. 

The two whispered haughtily. 

"Did you miss me?"

"You know you've already pulled this stunt before, are you loosing your creativity or are you just bored"

"I came back for you"

"You didn't come back for me you escaped from a prison to do God knows what"

"Im gonna do something" she winked making Luisa blush.

"Why can't you just leave me alone, you know I'v been making such good progress without you here"

She giggled and said "You really think you've been alone? "

"Did you really think that Bobby just happened to know that you liked cherry pie?"

Luisa stepped back, repulsed. 


"You weren't supposed to see that..."

Luisa turned to look out at the sea. 

"Go away I can't bear to look at you right now"

"Oh trust me you while by tonight" 

Meanwhile the real Petra was being transported in a van. 

"Where are you taking me?"

"Does it matter?"

"Well yes, are you planning on killing me?"

He laughed "You're only a small piece of a much bigger plan"

Rafael suggested that they all go down for some dinner, just as Rose had predicted. It reminded her of when their father was alive and they would all meet at some overpriced restaurant. Still, just being able to see Luisa for an hour or two made marrying her father worth it. 

She saw Luisa watch as Rafael sipped wine with his steak, how tactful as always she thought. She stroked Luisa's thigh under the table and smiled when she jumped. 

Rafael noticed her jump and gave her a look. Rose decided just then that she hated him. She excused herself to the bathroom where she rang B to get this trade over with. When she returned to the table she laughed and joked with them as she fingered the gun taped secretly under the table. 

A mysterious man appeared with a large gang behind him. Shit, Rose thought. He was supposed to be alone. She saw Rafael and Luisa watch the gang start to fill the entire Marbella restaurant and lobby. Rose quickly made a signal with her hands, she knew her team were close by. 

Luisa watched as Rose ripped a gun from under the table and shoot a guy in the head. She did it so smoothly that it frightened Luisa. Everything happened so quickly, like a movie. A group of people came up behind Rose and helped shoot at this gang. Rafael shoved Luisa under the table, away from the gunfire. 

"What the hell is Petra playing at?!"

Luisa looked at him and wanted to slap him for being so stupid. Of course this wasn't Petra. 

"It isn't Petra"

"What do you mean?! Who the hell is it?"

Luisa looked back up at Rose who was still focused on shooting. Rafael looked back and forth between the two and finally came to the realisation. 

"YOU LIAR!" He screamed over the gun shots. 


"You said you didn't know where she was"

"I didn't, look this really isn't the best time"



She felt deflated and impulsively got up from the table and tried to run. Rose caught Luisa's arms and hauled her back down under the table. 


She looked accusingly at Rafael. "Why didn't you stop her?"

He laughed cruelly at her "I don't know ROSE, why did you kill our father, why did you kidnap my son, and what the hell have you done with Petra. Why can't you leave our family alone"

Rose grimly said "You mean HER father..."

With that final word he tried to punch her, Luisa pulled Rose back and received the hard blow. Rafael's face grew pale "Luisa, are you alright I'm so sorry" but she remained still and didn't say anything. 

She whispered in Roses ear "Lets get out of here" 

Rose nodded in agreement. As Rafael protested one of her team sat beside him for protection, after all he was her stepson. She knew they were surrounded but there was one wall that wasn't covered, the cleaning cupboard. She did love it when everything fell into place. She hit the air vent with her heel and let it clang on the floor.  Luisa attempted to climb up but was too short so Rose gave her a boost. She then professionally pulled herself up. 

The air was close and claustrophobic. Rose could see Luisa begin to anxiously chew her lip. She spoke low and instructed her where to crawl. After what felt like an eternity the two finally arrived at their destination. The rooftop. The sky was beautiful, the sun was setting. Luisa's dark eyes shone in the light, like two pools of golden honey. She wished that they could stay in this moment. But the banging on the rooftop door snapped Rose back into reality. 

She tool the keys to the helicopter out from her pocket and started it up. Luisa cautiously clipped her seatbelt as she watched Rose take off. She had never felt more conflicted, she loved Rose but she didn't want this life. She couldn't take not knowing what tomorrow would bring. But she concluded that it was better this life with the one you love than simply existing, where your own family don't even acknowledge you. 

"What did you do to Petra?"

"Oh, Bobby's taking care of her"


"Listen don't worry, she'll be released in a few days, back to her happy little family"

There was silence for a few minutes, then Luisa piped up. 

"So I was right"


"You escaping for a stupid plan" 

Rose laughed "Luisa you were the plan, it was about you. All of this, it was all for you. You have to believe that"

"Trust me I want to but after everything you've put me through I don't think I can"

Rose set the helicopter to autopilot and started to remove the façade, piece by piece. Her red hair bounced at her shoulders as she shed the blonde wig, her voice returned to its usual softness and more importantly her eyes became the intense shade of icy blue that Luisa adored. All that was left was the mask. 

She slowly removed the mask. Her Rose was back. 

"Rose?" she smiled, she felt like she hadn't seen her face in years. 

"Luisa Alver ... will you marry me?"

"... yes."

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