Discrimination and Despair

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  The annoying morning announcement rang out inside the room, pulling Shuichi from his slumber abruptly. He was confused for moment, taking a few seconds to remember the events that took place the night before as a blush blossomed on his cheeks. The detective hid his face in the pillow, but couldn't help but smile. Well, until he realized with a disappointed frown that Kokichi wasn't in bed anymore. He looked up, gazing around the room curiously as he attempted sitting up.
    That didn't go too well, for a sharp ache in his hips caused him to wince. After taking a few moments to recover, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up carefully, leaning over to grab his boxers from the floor. It was at this time that Kokichi came out of the bathroom, his hair wet from a shower and a towel around his waist.
    "What a lovely view, Nyehehe!~"
    Shuichi stood up quickly, wincing from the soreness in his hips and crying out in suprise. His face was red and he looked away. How embarassing..
    "Don't worry, it isn't anything I haven't seen." Kokichi grinned cheekily, making his way to his closet and grabbing some clean clothes, "You can shower too if you want, I don't mind."
    "I will, thank you." Shuichi smiled gratefully, grabbing the rest of his clothes from the floor.
     He made his way to the bathroom when suddenly he was turned around and soft lips crashed against his. He smiled into the kiss and looped his arms around Kokichi's neck. They pulled away after a few moments and Shuichi kissed his cheek with a smile before making his way inside the bathroom once again.
    Once inside, the layed his clothes on the sink and turned on the shower. He quickly rinsed himself off and washed his hair, not wanting to take too long. When he finally came out and dried himself off, he caught a glance of himself in the foggy mirror. Curiously, he wiped it off and blushed when he saw the hickeys and love bites littering his pale skin. Let's just hope nobody notices..
    The detective got dressed and exited the bathroom, pleased to see Kokichi waited for him.
    "Are you going to the dining hall today?" He questioned, pulling on his shoes.
    "If you are, yes." Kokichi replied.
    "I always do now, it feels nice having a schedule. But I do feel bad for missing training last night. I should apologize." He fretted, frowning worriedly.
    "Don't worry about that, we told them we were busy. Besides, you only missed it once."
    "I guess you're right, but I still wanna apologize."
    "You ready now?"
    "Yes, but.." He blushed, looking away, "Are they obvious..? My hickeys, I mean.." He mumbled embarrassedly.
    "I doubt anyone will notice them, but if they do, they'll know you're mine." Kokichi grinned, snaking his arms around the detective's waist.
    "A-also.." He stuttered nervously, avoiding his gaze, "Do you wanna tell anyone about that? Or keep it a secret?"
    Kokichi thought for a moment before responding.
    "We should keep it to ourselves for now." He decided, "I don't think your friends will be too happy, and I don't want them to fight you about it. They don't exactly like me."
    Shuichi frowned. "I don't care about that. I like you, and they can't change that. I guess you're right though.. But I'll only tell them if they ask."
    "Okay, that's fine." Kokichi nodded, "But also, I'm a little worried that Monokuma may use something like that as a motive, and I don't wanna put you in danger."
    He smiled, happy that he was concerned about him. "That's true, I worry the same for you."
   "Monokuma probably already knows though." Kokichi pointed out with an annoyed scowl.
    He frowned, worried by his words. How much did he know then? He shook it off, distracting the both of them from their worries with a short but sweet kiss.
    "Let's not worry about that right now," He pleaded, pouting, "I'm hungry, can we go?"
    "Alright, we can go." Kokichi smiled. It seemed he succeeded in distracting him for now.
    With one last kiss, they left the room and headed in the direction of the dining hall. When they went inside, the atmosphere was.. odd. Shuichi frowned, confused. Why are they acting weird? He decided to ignore it,  hesitantly getting his breakfast and sitting down beside Kaito and Maki.
    "What's wrong with everyone?" He inquired curiously, gazing at the two.
    "U-uh.." Kaito scratched the back of his head awkwardly, searching for the right words.
    "Next time, I advise you two to be a little quieter." Korekiyo replied for him, holding up a finger.
    "W-what?" He stammered, confused for a moment.
    "And you could easily cover those hickeys you know!" Miu chimed in, a perverted grin on her face.
    Shuichi realized with dread that they heard everything. His face grew red in embarrassment and he covered it with his hands, suddenly not feeling too hungry anymore.
    "Oh my god..." He mumbled into his hands. Embarrassed would be an understatement at this point.
    I said such dirty things, and they heard it all! I've never wanted to die more than I do now..
    He felt someone sit down beside him and knew in an instant it was Kokichi, despite his face still being hidden in his hands.
    "I don't know what you guys are talking about." Kokichi dismissed casually, "Are you sure Miu wasnt watching porn in her room? Nyehehe!" He teased, though anyone could tell it was a lie.
    Shuichi didn't say anything. He was worried he would say something stupid and make the whole situation worse, if it could even get worse.
    "We're not stupid Kokichi, clearly you're lying." Maki retorted, clearly not in the mood for his antics.
    "I-I would n-never watch porn!" Miu stammered, blushing and sweating nervously, "At least n-not without headphones anyway.."
    "Who said you could reply, you filthy cum dumpster?" Kokichi glared at her before continuing, "It's none of your business anyway."
    While they argued, Shuichi was dying of shame with his head now buried in his crossed arms on the table. He really missed his hat right now.
    "You skipped training for that?" Kaito questioned him, visibly disappointed. He really disliked Kokichi, and Shuichi knew it wouldn't go well if he knew about it. "Some important talk." He huffed.
    "Oh, I don't know Kaito, I thought it was pretty important." Kokichi replied casually.
    "Ugh! I don't wanna hear about it!" Kaito protested. "That's disgusting!"
    Kokichi ignored him. He felt a hand on his shoulder as Kokichi whispered quietly so nobody else would hear.
    "Wanna leave?" He asked him quietly, and Shuichi nodded eagerly in response, grateful for the chance.
    "Well, we're leaving. You guys are boring and I have better things to do." Kokichi said dismissively, grabbing Shuichi's hand as he stood up, pulling him along.
    And with that, he was quickly dragged out of the room by the purple haired male, avoiding eye contact with the others as they left.
    "Annoying pests." Kokichi growled, clearly annoyed.
    "I-I'm sorry, I-"
    "What? You didn't do anything wrong. They did." Kokichi paused, frowning at him.
    "It's kinda my fault.." He stammered embarrassedly. Suddenly the ground seemed very interesting.
    "It's not. If it's anyone's fault, it's mine." Kokichi assured him, "Besides, it was rude of them to bring it up."
    "Should I apologize anyway? I feel bad." He frowned, though he had to admit his feelings were a bit hurt.
    "No Shuichi, you shouldn't even feel bad." His frown deepened and he silently vowed to kill the others for embarrassing him like that. "Don't worry about them. Let's just go." He persisted, grabbing the detective's hand.
    "Okay.." He gave in, feeling a little comforted, "Can we go back to your room? I wanna spend the day with you." He admitted quietly.
    "Of course you can, I didn't plan on leaving you alone anyway." Kokichi smiled, snaking his arm around his waist and stealing a kiss from the flustered boy.
    "Kokichi!" He whined, though he always enjoyed kisses from him, he didn't wanna cause more problems, "What if they saw?"
    "Who cares?" Kokichi dismissed, shrugging, "They already know you're mine, and if they do that's their fault."
    Shuichi flushed in response, smiling at that. I'm his. He was very pleased to say the least, but he couldn't help the bitterness from seeping into his tone.
    "I guess so, but it still upsets me that they probably hate me now.." He sighed dejectedly, "They probably think we're disgusting, at least Kaito said so."
     "Don't worry, he'll pay for that." Kokichi promised casually, though he seemed serious and his gaze hardened, "It's their loss if they don't wanna talk to you anymore, but if they try anything, they'll have to deal with me." He threatened darkly.
    Shuichi smiled gratefully, a light shade of red on his cheeks. He was scared for anyone who got in Kokichi's way though, but at the same time flattered by his protectiveness.
    "I appreciate that," He smiled, looping his arms around the other males neck, "But I don't want you to get in trouble, especially not for me." He pouted.
    "What makes you think I will? As an ultimate supreme leader, I can get away with anything." Kokichi grinned.
    "I believe you." Shuichi promised, before pulling him in for a short kiss.
    They parted away after a few moments, enjoying the moment together before he sighed.
    "Let's go somewhere else before somebody bothers us again." Shuichi frowned, not to eager to leave his arms again so soon. "I wanna avoid trouble."
    "Do you wanna go back to my room still, or somewhere else?"
    Shuichi thought for a moment, "Yeah, let's not risk seeing the others again today." He decided.
    They grabbed eachothers hands once again, heading back to the dorms. The couple went inside of Kokichi's room once more, this time for the rest of the day. Once inside, Shuichi observed the room curiously. He didn't wanna pry, but he couldn't help but be curious of course. There was a horse mask with a crown resting on the side table, and he couldn't help but laugh. He wasn't sure why it was there, but it was still funny. It was probably nothing, but he couldn't help but wonder where it came from. It's probably not important, but you never know with him. He dismissed the thought before continuing his search. It was basically the same as his own, except it had Kokichi's clothes in the closet, and there was a blank white board in the corner. Again, probably nothing. Kokichi probably drew on it or used it for plans. He wasn't gonna ask about it.
    While he investigated, Kokichi watched him carefully. He was undoubtedly wondering what conclusion he would come to, but then again, it was Kokichi. Shuichi often worried that he always knew what he was thinking. He probably does, I wouldn't be surprised. He sat down on the bed with a soft plop when he finished his mini investigation.
    "Kokichi, lay with me?" He offered, holding out his arms invitingly with shy smile.
    He didn't even need to ask. Kokichi was by his side in an instant, his arms holding him against his chest as he laid down, pulling him with him. Shuichi's head rested on his chest and he was on top of him, a content smile on his face. The detective wrapped his arms around him, his eyes fluttering closed.
    "Thank you Kokichi." He mumbled quietly, quite relaxed now that they were alone.
    "Anything for you Shuichi." Kokichi replied, entangling a hand in his dark hair. "And I mean it."
    "Um.. can I ask you something?"
    Shuichi hesitated, a little nervous. Though he was alot better at reading him now, he couldn't help but worry about messing up.
    "You don't have to answer, but I just wanna know more about you." He started nervously, "Can you tell me more about yourself?"
    There was silence for many moments before he answered. It seemed like he was trying to decide on something.
    "I do own an organization, that's true. It's called D.I.C.E. There's only 11 of us, including myself." Kokichi paused, trying hard to be honest with him, though he only gave a few details.
    Shuichi listened silently, absorbing every word as if he would only say it once. He knew he wasn't lying to him this time, he believed in him.
    "I have no family. The only person who cares about me is.. you." He tightened his hold on the detective, "Before coming here, I didn't have anyone besides the other members."
    Shuichi risked a glance up at him, frowning at the sorrowful expression on his face, "I'll always care about you. Now that I'm here, we'll always have eachother." He assured him, hugging him tightly.
    "I won't let anything happen to you Shuichi. Not ever." Kokichi promised, "I've never cared about anyone more."
    He blushed, smiling up at him. "The same goes for you." He admitted, "And I really appreciate how honest you are with me, it means alot to me."
    "Only for you." He replied, pulling the detective up until they were level and connecting their lips in a slow, loving kiss.
    Butterflies exploded in his stomach despite kissing him before. His sincere words made him very happy. The happiest he's been in a very long time. It may seem out of character to others for Kokichi to act this way, but really it's just his true character. And it was all for him.
    Shuichi cupped his cheeks as they kissed, blushing wildly before pulling away and planting another kiss on his forehead. They cuddled and talked for what seemed like forever until the doorbell rang loudly. He pouted, gripping onto Kokichi tighter and huffing.
    "Ignore them, please?" He pleaded.
    The ringing continued until Kokichi scowled in annoyance, gently pushing the other male off him and recieving a whine in return. He sat up, watching as Kokichi cracked the door reluctantly for whoever it was.
    "What do you want?" Kokichi snapped, not even trying to hide the annoyance in his tone.
    He couldn't make out what the person at the door said, but he also didn't wanna leave the warm bed, so he let Kokichi handle it for now. After a brief exchange, Kokichi closed the door and turned to Shuichi.
    "It's Maki, she wants to talk to you. I tried telling her to go away but she threatened to beat me to a bloody pulp." The ultimate supreme leader pouted.
    Shuichi frowned nervously, hesitating. Do I try talking to her? She probably wants to scold me..
    "I guess.. I have to.." He said reluctantly, "But I'll make it quick, I promise.
    He got up and approached the door, kissing Kokichi's cheek with a small smile before leaving the room and coming face to face with his friend.
    "U-uh.. hey..." He stammered awkwardly, closing the door behind him. He was unsure of what to say.
    "Shuichi," She started, frowning sympathetically, "Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset yo-"
    "I'm okay!" He interrupted her, shaking his head. "Don't worry about me, I'm the one who should be sorry.."
    "Friends are supposed to trust eachother, but I made you feel like you couldn't talk to me about it. Don't even say anything, I know I'm right." She held up her hand, stopping him from interrupting, "Though I still hate Kokichi and don't approve, I'm still your friend and I'll do my best to support you anyway."
    He flinched when she mentioned Kokichi, frowning at her words. Though he did appreciate everything else, that stung a bit.
    "You just don't understand him Maki, but I do. You don't have to be so cruel to him."
    "I'm sorry, I'll try harder." She offered.
    The detective smiled a bit, pleased by her efforts.
    "I appreciate that, but.." He paused, frowning a bit, "What about training? Are we still gonna do that?"
    Maki looked away, visibly awkward and uncomfortable now.
    "Well, um.. Kaito doesn't want you to come to training until you stop seeing Kokichi." She answered awkwardly.
    Shuichi froze before he began bristling with anger. "Are you serious?" That's ridiculous! What happened to overcoming our struggles and being friends?"
    "He says it's wrong." The assassin avoided his gaze uncomfortably. She hated when they fought, and now she was in the middle of it.
    "I don't wanna see him anyway!" He spat bitterly, angry tears budding in his eyes.
    She frowned, "Shuichi, I'll try to talk to him about it, I promise. Do you believe in me?"
    "Yes, I do Maki.." He sighed, his shoulders slumping, "But it's gonna take some time for me to forgive him." He muttered, going back into Kokichi's dorm and closing the door behind him.
    Once inside, the detective practically threw himself into Kokichi's arms and he suddenly couldn't contain his tears any longer. His only friends besides Kokichi now hated him, and that hurt alot. Especially because it was about something he couldn't control.
    "I d-don't understand!" He cried, clinging to the other male tightly. He knew that Kokichi likely heard everything, so he didn't need to explain. "It's my fault, I'm sorry!"
    Kokichi frowned, holding him close and. "It's all on them Shuichi, it's their fault. They're choosing to act this way, so don't you go blaming yourself."
    "We were friends.." He whimpered, feeling utter despair. "It's not fair! I'm sorry, you don't deserve this either. They could at least treat you better."
    The ultimate supreme leader cupped his cheeks, staring intently into his watery eyes. Shuichi looked at him with wide eyes, sniffling pathetically.
    "Shuichi, it's okay. Eventually they will get over their sorry asses and realize that you're too good of a friend to lose. And I don't care what they think of me, or how they treat me. We we're never friends." He shrugged, though Shuichi questioned if that part was true, "Besides, I only need you."
   Kokichi kissed his cheek, smiling reassuringly and wiping away his tears.
    "We'll try and talk to them soon, but for now, let's head to bed. It's getting late."
    Shuichi nodded, allowing him to lead him and pull him into bed beside him and covering them in a blanket. He clung to him tightly, sniffing ever so often as Kokichi protectively held him. They drifted off eventually, both hoping for tomorrow to be a better day.

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