Ch 2:cross on

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And so Lance was wering in armor and my face has gone tomato looking and OMG he looked so cool/hot but Ace pull a funy face and looked at me"what are you thinking?you perv"Ace tells me and Alka fells of off my head laughing and i pull a '0///0' and i hit his sholder hard "shut up i am not a perv!!!you idiot"i yelld at him Alka was still laughing"hahaha meow!!"Ace was tising me and Alka was laughing her ass of...Lance was face to face with huge dragon,dragon was going to hit Lance with its head but Lance quicky dodge it...
But me and Ace were walking down the ster's egg had a crack on it...."okay this is geting crezy!"i said a little pissed off just the we hear a lot of cars and tenk's knowing ther might be my dad i got scerd because he doesn't want me to get in any danger specially face-to-face with caus dragon. Lance couninus to dogge attack and he some how got 2 two mire drop's"my allies,release your powers and take down the enemy!Release!"and like that first moster was Plesios and thr next one was a strange looking cat 'Pierdrawn' anf now the team is complited they all roared at huge dragon "Black Dragon's Wrath,activated!"then a lot of drop's comed next to Lance and he used ther power the combous and then it hited the Lance's mostrers and i have to add mint he looked handsome in his armor'dirthy thought's Axeli!"i shuked my head and i was tomato red..all of Lance's mosters here fighing the huge dragon me and Ace the in the middle of the fight and we were watching tge fight from first sit's then it was finaly down then 3 combo"you need to cool your head"Lance told to the huge dragon and then one more combo was formed and it fited 4 combous! That small strings hit Lance's dragon's all at once and the they all used the attack to 'cool' the dragon down and ya bet he got coled down like ice cube then ice startrd to break and the dragon folen down but not complitly "i'm sorry about roughing you up but you understand that you shouldn't be here"Lance toled the dragon but he HE had a smile on his face?!oh gee i was in coma like a hours ago?!?just then"This is our chance!Fire the anti-drop cannon!"the solder yelld and they did but the only angerd the big dragon even more Lance looked shoken and a little woried"Idiot's!"Lance yelled at the solder the huge dragon attacked the solders but Lance's monster's saved solders and the drgon looked pissed off"ummm hey you two idiot's ler's leave before we got burger toasted!"i said a little worried just the Lance used some purple attack at the furius dragon and like tha the hugr dragon dose a black feap and fells down on graund but knowing Ace had to run up to it!"Ace come back!"i yelld at the boy i can see that Lance didn't looked happy about Ace being next to huge dragon the drgon looked at Ace ready to fire at Ace but i was right on time to push Ace out of the way but fining myself face-to-face with fire it self 'this is the end for me!'i scrimed to my self in my head the ball was rushing right at me my eye's here now purple  and like that i closed my eye's good bye Dad,Ace,Hal,Rena,Happy,...Alka'i was about to get hit by it but soon i fell somthing cold huging really close to it and the"BAM!"somthing hit somthing and i got scerd and huged what ever saved me but wen i open my eye's i am face-to-face with A devil it self"you idiot"then he cooled me off like i was in actual idiot i immediately back it off"umm.look he is in idiot i am only his frend who is looking out for him!"i yelld at the boy i looked suprised for a moment'whats he looking at?'.i was curious"you eye's are yellow agen meow!"Alka yelld from distance the dragon was about to attack i was about to run but i was stoped by mr.rude here he  quickly picking me up bright style( bright style beauty xD) and dogged the attack abd lefted me next to Ace i was about to  protest but i was cuted of"shut up idiot"and like that he left to fight the dragon my jaw was down but soon my eye's went red"i hope the dragon swallows you like pis of blue candy!!"i yelld at the young boy just the"feel the drops tama!feel it,tama!"the voice echoed in my head"feel it?"bouth me and Ace asked at sametime...'how are we suposse to"FEEL THE DROP'S?!"for Arcea's sake!next thig that happend is me looking at the sky just the blue sparks started to fell from the sky and the lot of drop were around us Lance was still dugging huge dragon's attack then he looked my wey"that girl"and that pissed me off"fine,I'll use your drops"once agen i was pissed off my eye's here red and i picked up one drop and  torrwet it at Lance and it hites his head he the turns my wey at he did not look happy"nya you are digging you'r death hole Axeli meow"Alka worned me but i only greard dagger's at Lance but soon he broke out stering sontest and he used the drop's and like that he defeted the huge dragon and soon i hear"Tama!"and i see a simular dragon like devi or chubby better toled but diffrend he was white,oragbe and yellow and he started to lick Ace"hey stop that!"Ace scrined at tama i only laughed" congrats you are an mother of the new born dragon!!"me and Alja were laughing our asses off but Ace had hard time with his new born baby but i was stopend by Lance asking his chubby frend"it that...Devi,is he the sane us you?"Lance sked "Devi ison't us round as him,devi"the small dragon named Devi told i giggle and Alka shoked her head in worning but it was to lage for that"you are the same to me you are chubby twins?"i  chuckled and Devi was furius but he was stoped by Lance and like that he started to leav i felld gulty for not  thanking him soo i..."Hey!"he turned to me"thx for saving me"i tolrd him but he simed to not care i nored my eye's"jurk"i wisper under my breath ge turns right back at me and he looked secy us heck i only put 'O_O' anf felld and he left like that Alka was laughing and Ace was being chased by Tama...

Lance's P.O.V

" weird girl"

No one's P.O.V

Was what Lance thought of the girl
                  ●              ●                ●

Hey! I finaly updated!xD sorry i was busy!T^T and thx to MoonFlowerGirl1
Comment i had power in me to update to day thx you Moon!^-^
And sorry if i speld somthing wrong

Number of words:1242

Puzzle and Dragon X fanfic!Lance x OcWhere stories live. Discover now