Chapter 4: The Truth

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   "Not my parents!?" yelled Jon.
   "Dont yell Jon, they might hear us" Jessica said.
   "Do you think I care Jessica? Now I am convinced that you are here to just take me away from my family!-" he said, as he was tearing up.
   "I am not here to take you away...well kinda."
   "So I was right all along." he said as he turned toward the house wiping his tears.
   "I'll be right here if you change your mind." Jessica sighed.
   "I doubt it." he said walking toward the house with his basket full of fish then entered.
   "Where have you been Jon!?" said Mrs. Haben "I have been so worried."
   "I just decided to catch more fish than usual." said Jon
   "I am very grateful Jon, but please remind me if you'll come home late. " she said.
   "How would I remind you if I'm far away? Tell a ghost?" Jon laughed.
   "Very funny Jon, but we should start cooking, I assume you are very hungry." said Mrs. Haben.

   And so they did. Jon cooked up the fish he caught and Mrs. Haven cooked up some rice. Jon did want to tell his "parents" about his encounter with Jessica, but they would think he had gone insane and get more worried.

   "Hey mom," said Jon breaking the silence "I had quite a weird encounter today." he added.
   "What is it this time? A deer stomping on a fox?" Mrs. Haben joked.
   "No... It was more interesting than that." said Jon.
   "Go on." said Ethan, Jon's supposed Dad.
   "Well..." Jon said and told his parents about his encounter about Jessica and the brouse. "It was amazing! I wish I discovered it when I was younger." Jon said, his parents frozen in shock.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08 ⏰

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