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//modern AU. not in the mind palace.

//prob gonna be cringe and have lots of basic relationship tropes. fluff.

Roman was lying in his bed, mindlessly scrolling through Instagram. He was bored. And alone.

He got a text from the group chat.

Hey guys! I'm bored, so do you wanna come over for like a sleepover or something? Patton had said.

Sounds fun! Roman replied. The rest agreed.

Roman got up and changed. He went into the bathroom, grabbed his toothbrush, hairbrush, and toothpaste and shoved them in his backpack. He took his pajama and a change of clothes and other basic necessities. Within twenty minutes, he was ready.

He shouldered his backpack and walked to his car. He drove to Patton's house, which was ten minutes away.

On the way, he sung along to Freeze Your Brain, The SQUIP Song, and more.

He parked the car and grabbed his backpack. He knocked on the door.

Patton opened it, smiling brightly. "Hi!"

Roman smiled back. "Hello! It's so nice of you to do this."

"Really, it's no biggie! It's my pleasure," he giggled, and led Roman in.

There were four mattresses set in the floor in a circle. Logan has already claimed the one next to Patton, so Roman took the one on Patton's other side. He sat down and unzipped his backpack. He took out his sleeping back and laid it down on the mattress, humming to himself.

Someone knocked, and Patton stood up and got the door. "Virgil!" Roman heard Patton exclaim.


"I'm so glad you came!"

"Of course I came. I'm not that rude."

Roman snorted and Virgil walked in, setting his bag down next to the last empty mattress.

Once they were all settled, Patton smiled brightly. "Ahhhhh, it's just like in the movies!"

Roman chuckled.

"So, what do you guys wanna do? We can watch a movie, if you want."

"dISNEY-" Roman started.

"nO-no singing movies-not gonna happen-" Virgil shook his head.

"Oh, come on, stop being a part pooper! It'll be fun!"


"Pweeeeeeeeeeeeeease?" Patton was now making a pouty face at Virgil, trying to help Roman convince him.

He groaned. "Ugh, fine. But only because of Patton."

"YAY!" Roman clapped.

"Ok, how about tangled?" Patton suggested.


"......fine...." Virgil muttered.

"What do you think?" Patton asked Logan, who has been quiet this whole time.

He shrugged. "Whatever works for you guys."

"Tangled it is!" Patton smiled and put on the movie.

Ten minutes later, he gasped. "Oh! I almost forgot! Popcorn!" He stood and came back after a while with two bowls of freshly popped popcorn and some candy.

He handed a bowl to Roman and Virgil and put the candy in the middle.

Roman took some popcorn and Virgil waited for him to take his hand out before he took some popcorn for himself, in fear of their hands brushing and him blushing furiously.

The movie went on, and Roman sang along to every song like usual. Virgil was getting really tired, and when he got tired, his anxiety usually went away and he ends up doing stupid shit.

Which is exactly what happened.

"I See The Light" started playing, and Roman sang along, per usual.

Virgil started to hum under his breath. He liked this song.

And then he started to sing.

Like, genuinely sing.

And Roman was astonished.

He shut up, listening to Virgil sing.

When the song was over, Patton and Roman started clapping, and Virgil went bright red, realizing what he had just done.

"THAT WAS FUCKING AMAZING!" Roman exclaimed.

"Great job, kiddo!" Patton smiled brightly.

"Yes, it was pretty good," Logan stated.

"Why don't you sing more often?" Roman asked, genuinely baffled.

"I dunno..." Virgil muttered. "Because I don't really think I sing good?"

Roman snorted. "Nah, you sing beautifully. Though not as beautifully as me."

Virgil rolled his eyes. "Lets just watch the movie already."

Sander Sides One Shots-DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now