Ch 6

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Join the cult of Itachi worshippers

I do not own Itachi's booty yet stop rubbing it in

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"Good morning, my loves."

The group mumbled a response, watching as the short haired girl walked into the kitchen. It had officially passed the one week mark, and the Akatsuki seemed to be settling in. Brise made her way to the coffee pot and pulled a mug down from the cupboard, filling the glass with the black liquid. She leaned against the counter top, scanning her eyes over the group. She quirked an eyebrow when she didn't see Chaos, even though Itachi and Kisame were already stationed at the dining table, Itachi drinking tea and Kisame drinking coffee.

"Where's Chaos?" she asked, taking a sip of her coffee. Everyone looked up from their spots in the dining room/kitchen, scanning their eyes around the room in an attempt to find the short psycho. When she wasn't spotted, they looked back at Brise and shrugged. With furrowed eyebrows, Brise did a quick head count, only making her eyebrows dig further. "Where's Deidara-"

"Hey guys, yeah," Deidara said, walking into the kitchen, stretching his arms behind his head. Brise blinked, a surprised look taking over her face. The Akatsuki mirrored her expression, taking in the appearance of the bomber.


"...Should we tell him?"

"It's his fault for not looking in the mirror before coming downstairs."

Deidara tilted his head to the side, confused about what they were talking about. He walked over to the microwave and peered into the glass, staring at his reflection that was barely visible.

Well, it was visible enough for him to see all the doodles on his face.

All across the tan skin were drawings in what appeared to be black sharpie. He had hearts in a line underneath his left eye and on his right were "I'm" right under his eyebrow, "Not" on his eyelid, and "Gay" underneath his eye, making it look like it said "I'm Gay" when he had his eyes opened. His nose was transformed into a...male part, and his lips had a duck connected to it, giving off the impression of "duck lips".

While Deidara fumed with anger, Brise lost it.

"Holy fucking shit, this is the best thing she's ever done," she said, setting her cup to the side quickly so she wouldn't spill it. She wrapped her arms around her stomach as loud laughter ripped through her body, which seemed to cause the more emotional members to follow her example. The quieter ones chuckled or smiled in humor, inwardly laughing at the blonde's misfortune.

"Who the fuck did this, hmm?! Tell me now, or I'll blow you all to fucking bits, un! TELL ME, NOW, YEAH!"

"Calm yourself, dick nose," Chaos said, pushing the kitchen door open. She tossed something to him which he easily caught, holding up a black sharpie. "It's revenge for making me have to see your face all the time. If you ask me, it’s an improvement."

Deidara went to stab Chaos with the sharpie, but stopped when a hand landed on his bicep. He looked back and found a pair of steel blue eyes. Brise's other hand rose and took the sharpie out of his fingers, easily manipulating the slackened grip.

"Let’s go get that shit off your face. Come on," she said, dropping his hand and tucking the sharpie into her back pocket. He followed after her as if in a trance. Chaos had noticed that in the past week that Brise and Deidara had gotten along really well, and Deidara seemed to be more calm in her presence. Chaos hoped her best friend wouldn’t get too attached, seeing as how the Akatsuki weren’t and didn’t plan on staying. Though, she did enjoy making Deidara miserable, so that wasn’t going to stop anytime soon, whether Brise had a problem with it or not.

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