Truth and New Start

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel or anything I borrowed from other media.

Truth and New Start

*Peter's place*

Peter held Kitty's hand gently as he got his self-prepared to speak to her about the depression he has gone through. He knew how tough it would be, but he also knew that he trusts Kitty and loves her enough to open up about his feelings.

Peter then takes a deep breath and goes into explaining, "Over the past months, I haven't been truly myself mentally and emotionally. I have been thinking that I was giving high power but have not lived up to the responsibility, and because of that, I lost Uncle Ben. Then there's the hurt that I keep feeling that it's because of me I lost Gwen, if I just would have made to her faster she would have been alive now. Of course, over time it didn't get better with M.j and me breaking up all over me being Spiderman."

He continues as he tries to fight back his tears with Kitty holding his hands tighter, "It's now to the point where I feel like since I became Spider-man, someone close to me dies or doesn't want me in their life. There are even times where I want to stop being the hero and just live a normal life, that way I won't hurt others around me, yet I couldn't live with the fact that people could die when I could have saved them especially I would be disappointing Uncle Ben for running from my responsibility."

At this point of venting, Peter couldn't fight back his tears as he kept revealing what he has felt on the inside, "I honestly felt I was alone, and I hated that lonely feeling, but I felt that it was the best way to keep my friends and family away from me not having to deal with losing them. I know I still have Aunt May, but I know she can't take care of me forever, I also know I have friends like Johnny but I'm pretty sure he couldn't relate to how I feel and the thought of The Fantastic 4 losing a member because of me something I wouldn't be able to deal with. Ultimately, I would like a relationship with someone who could help me overcome what I been dealing with, but as my aunt told me, you can't be happy with someone if you aren't happy with yourself which I wasn't."

Kitty was beyond shock from hearing everything that just came out of Peter's mouth. She never had a clue he had these feelings inside since they had gone a long time without actually talking to each other, but she also knew Peter would always joke around as Spider-man, so it made him hard to read at times. Realizing that it was more than just the breakup, Kitty curses herself for not checking up on him more as a good friend should do, even with him being with Mary Jane then that was not an excuse to not be there for him.

Kitty then spoke to a red-eyed Peter with a lovely voice, "Petey I'm so so sorry that I didn't know about this sooner. Losing people, you care about really does take a toll on a person, not just a hero, and it sucks that a good man like you had to deal with all that by yourself."

She did hold Peter's face in her hand to comfort him saying, "You don't have to go through anything alone, you got friends and family that care about you, most importantly you got me not just as a friend but as your girlfriend as well. You mean so much to me and I will be that girl that helps and supports you when you need me to."

Peter looked into her eyes and said, "I'm happy that you are back in my life, you help put a smile on my face ever since we met back up which I appreciate it. I love you too Katherine Pryde".

Kitty gave him a look and responded playfully, "Um that Kitty to you Bug-Boy Hehe."

Peter laughed at that and joked back, "My bad, I mean Ms. Shadow-cat haha."

Kitty with a flirty look only said, "Just kiss me my amazing Spider-man."

After saying that they both leaned in and kissed each, as they kiss it grew more passionately with Kitty softly moans while Peter squeezes butt gently. After a few mins, they stopped to catch their breath and held each other as they thought about what happened today.

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