Spider-man & his amazing friends vs. Venom Suit

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel, D.C or anything I borrowed from other media

Spider-man & his amazing friends vs. Venom Suit

*Flash-forward of major battle*




I'm... not giving up...


Not today buddy!

*Early Afternoon at the X-mansion*

After putting their costume on, Spider-man & Shadow-cat made their way back to the mansion to come up with a plan to save Logan from the suit. While traveling by web swinging, Spidey was having a lot of mix emotions going on in his head. The first emotion was Focus as he kept coming up with ways on how they can get the suit off of Logan knowing that it would be a lot tougher compared to when they were getting the suit off of Mary Jane. Speaking of Mary Jane, the feeling of concern was next in Peter as he thought about how she was recovering especially with the way they got the suit off of her like did it leave permanent damage or would she even remember what happened. Lastly, he was feeling happy about his first time making love with his current girlfriend, Kitty. Sharing that his first time with her felt right, and he was surprised it wasn't with M.j, but he wishes that didn't have to worry about his current issues and enjoy laying down next to his girl. At the end of the day, Peter was not a selfish guy for he always tries to put those he cares about first and right now both Logan and Mary Jane are his concern right now and now he's ready to make things right.

"You okay?" Shadow-cat asks feeling Spidey tense up as he kept swinging.

He turns to her and answers with what made have been a smile underneath his mask, "Well I feel better than I was before all of what's going on now. It's like all of what I been dealing with lately and how I overcame those obstacles got me to prepare for this in a weird but good way. The old me would probably be doing on my own without even trying to get help, but the new me is okay with having people like you on my side to help me. With that said I'm determined to get Logan back with any mean necessary."

After hearing the strong words come out his mouth and feeling more proud that she felt earlier, Kitty kisses him on the cheek lightly and tells him, "That's the amazing Spider-man I know."

With that said they made it to the mansion where they could see Bobby outside waiting on them.

Bobby watches as the Spider-man land in front of with and notice that Kitty had a certain glow to her, which was odd to him.

"Sooooo did you two have an okay night last night?" Bobby question the couple with his arms folded while Spidey and Shadow-cat suddenly look nervous.

"Yeah... what makes you said that Ice boy?" Shadow cat playfully questions back.

"Yeaaa like we were safe no problems, right babe?" Spidey nervously asks as well as turning to Shadow-cat blushing under his mask.

"Yes, baby very very safe... oh boy." Shadow-cat shot back realizing that Bobby pretty much has an idea of what happened between the two.

At the moment Bobby just burst out laughing at the couple. "HAHAHAHA I made be the Ice-man, but that doesn't mean my brain is frozen... well when you think about it... you know what that's not the point. Is the fact you two think I don't know about your last night activity? I pretty much was evident when I notice Kitty's face and you lucky that you have your mask on Peter or else it would show." Bobby points out as Peter and Kitty both started laughing along with him.

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