Chapter 3

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Your pov

As you start to wake up, you lean over to give Slenderman a kiss but you are met with cold sheets. You decide to go down stairs. You soon remember you had left all your clothes at your house. 'Ah shit' you curse under your breath. You rummage through Slendermans closet and find a old worn out tuxedo. 'Damn it does he not wear anything else?' You change quickly and open the bedroom door. You are soon greeted with a blast of cold air. You subconsciously shiver and gently move down the halls. You hear voices at the end of the halls and see some stairs. You peer down the stairs and see what looks like a kitchen. 'Ah well what's the worse that can happen' and depart down the stairs into a bright kitchen. You don't even get to adjust to the brightness before you are tackled onto the floor "Well seems like I have a new victim to torture" says a pale faced kid SLAP! You slap your attacker and run to find Slenderman. You look down each hallway but you hear that pale faced guy chasing you "Ben! Cut her off from the study!" Cries out pale faced. All of a sudden a guy dressed in green pops out of your cell phone and onto the ground before you. He smirks and grabs you twisting your arms behind your back "Jeff! I got her! Can I help torture her?" Green boy shouts. Panting 'Jeff' comes up behind Green boy and scrapes some silver around your neck "Hmm should I slit your throat? Or torture you for making me run after you?" Jeff ask "Can i say something before I die?" you ask "Fine but make it quick" Green boy says "SLENDERMAN!" You yell,the boys look confused at first but then start taping your mouth shut (don't even ask where they got the tape) and start to slowly cut you neck as the pain licks at your neck almost unbearable yet you still kick and thrash trying to keep up a fight"STOP!" Yells a booming voice 'Slenderman' you think as a smile tugs across your face "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO MY GIRLFRIEND!?!" He's shouts obviously still angry at the fact that they tried to kill you. "G-g-girlfriend?" Greenie asks tugging at the hem of his shirt. You on the other hand start to blush and look down to hide your embarrassment. "OOF" you snap your head up and you see Greenie and 'Jeff' pinned to the wall by Slendermans tentacles while his hands strangle them. Terrified and not wanting them to die cause of you, you run up to Slenderman and desperately start tugging on the back of his tuxedo "Slender please stop! Your hurting them!" Your pleads make his head turn around and your met with a horrible,terrifying monster. Slendermans mouth was opened real wide and razor sharp teeth were poking out. You instantly whimper as he lets out a menacing growl. He looks at you and his tentacles let go of the two boys. He takes a step towards you and you flinch "Please don't hurt me! Please!" your pleads ring throughout the hallway as sobs start making their way up your throat and before you know it your full out crying. You start to see black as you start to lose conscience and before you know it your out cold.


Hey guys BabyFawn here so sorry I couldn't get this chapter up Wattpad decided to be a complete and utter bitch and deleted it -.- This is what I have to say to that

Wattpad I hope you get fucked in the ass with a dildo an have it break IN YOUR ASS so you know that YOU ARE A PAIN IN THE ASS!

Also I've decided to have one of those 20 votes till the next chapter thing seeing as they are going viral :)

Ok that's all for now ta ta and have a LOVELY day/night! :3

Ok today my cat Lou died so I might not update for a while :'( Lou got ran over by somebody on a road that's behind my house so I'm in a depressing mood and I don't wanna ruin anyone's day but bye!

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