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Miyoung's pov
"class dismissed." Miss Fallon , our Math teacher said as she dismissed us for our break. "come on Yeonjun-sshi , it's break time." i packed my writing materials into my pencil case before heading outside to wait for Yeonjun.

"need us along?" Fawn asked. "it be nice if you guys could come too since Yeonjun needs some friend making session." i said looking at Yeonjun who was approaching us.

"Yeonjun-sshi , this is Jung Eun but call her Fawn and this is Tia Kim. i am Park Miyoung if you still don't know."

"ah nae. annyeonghasaeyo , Choi Yeonjun imnida." Yeonjun bowed as he introduced himself to Fawn and Tia.

"we already know that because we're in the same class." Fawn said and Tia nudged her arm. "Fawn's not feeling herself today so excuse her." i smiled at Yeonjun.

we brought him to the cafeteria where food will be provided to us. Yeonjun stood close to me every second , probably because he is scared.

he sat next to me while Tia and Fawn sat opposite of us with Fawn infront of me since she might start her sacarsm on Yeonjun any moment.

"hey ladies , may we sit?" Soobin and his gang were here and sat down without our consent.

"excuse me , but we didn't say you could sit with us." Fawn said rolling her eyes at Soobin. "sorry but , we just did." Beomgyu said.

(A/N : let's just imagine the school they're studying in doesn't go by age. it goes by when they enter the school. something like university or college)

Fawn wanted to get up but Tia stopped her before anything gets out of hand.

"oh look , fire girl next to a guy that isn't Soobin hyung. that's a rare scene." Huening Kai smirked.

"stop making him uncomfortable when it's just his first day in school." Tia said. "oohh , a new student huh. we should be friends. what do you say pal?" Soobin hit Yeonjun hardly on his back.

"he's older than you Soobin-sshi." i said. "oh jjinja? so what?" Soobin snickered. "mianhae Yeonjun-sshi , they're always bothering us." i whispered and Yeonjun just gave me an assuring smile.

after break , we headed back to class and continued listening to lectures by different lecturers for a few more hours.

when Fawn and Tia decided to head to my house to complete our project , Soobin and his gang came to us again.

"what are you guys doing here again?" Fawn asked. "nothing , just to get my new friend here. come on pal , we should get to know each other more! you can join us by the looks of your appearance because almost every girl passing by us is staring at you." Soobin hooked his arms around Yeonjun.

"Choi Soobin , that's enough." i said.

Yeonjun's pov
Choi? he has the same surname as i do.

"Miyoung-sshi , i think i'll be fine with him. it's time for me to make new friends and you guys have projects to complete. i'll see you tomorrow." i smiled at Miyoung.

she frowned a little before speaking again. "but Yeonjun , you really shouldn't be friends with Choi Soobin. there's better people out there." she said.

"nan gwanchana. get going or you won't have enough time to complete your project." Miyoung hesitated but luckily Fawn and Tia dragged her away.

"so Yeonjun , am i right?" Soobin asked. i nodded my head as a reply. "Choi Yeonjun."

"woah! he has the same surname as hyung and me!" a guy with baby looking features said. "this is Choi Beomgyu. that's Kang Taehyun and Huening Kai." Soobin introduced.

"hello." i smiled.

"let's head over to my place. we have so much to tell you." Soobin said. "i'd rather stay in school." i laughed nervously.

"if i said we have things to tell you about Miyoung? would you still reject the idea?" Soobin raised one of his eyebrow.

i looked down and thought for a moment.

if Miyoung is called fire girl by Soobin earlier on during break time , there must be a reason for that. and me being a curious cat needs to know the reason behind that nickname.

"let's go." i said and they walked ahead with me following behind.


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