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Miyoung's pov
"today is day one girl!" Fawn entered my room when i was changing halfway. "hey! knock before you enter!" i put back my clothes.

"are you really wearing that?" Tia asked with a judging look. "come on , i don't think it looks bad." i said looking at my outfit.

"nope , you have better clothes. let's get you to wear your better outfits. you got to show him you're not affected." Fawn and Tia pushed me into the closet and started changing my outfit.

" Fawn and Tia pushed me into the closet and started changing my outfit

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"are you serious?" i asked looking at the thing they dressed me in. "what? it looks great." Fawn said satisfied. "i usually wear this with a white shirt or long sleeve shirt inside."

"you look hot girl. and you do now! let's go!" Tia smiled and pulled my hand.

when we reached school , it was crowded as usual and i was afraid people will be staring at me because i thought they know about my break up but no , everything was the same as before.

on the way to class , i saw Yeonjun talking to a bunch of girls. probably flirting again. we made eye contact but i broke it quickly.

Yeonjun's pov
i thought she was affected by our breakup? why doesn't she look like it? "Yeonjun-sshi , are you single?" Liana asked drawing some lines with her finger on my chest.

"sorry Liana , but i already have a lucky girl in my mind." i said making her and her friends whine.

"who is that then?" Topaz asked. "a secret. i'd love to continue talking but i really need to go now. catch you later!" i winked at the girls before running in the direction Miyoung went.

i hid behind a wall peeking at Miyoung with her friends who were being approached by Soobin and my friends.

"why are you alone?" Soobin asked. "none of your business." she snapped. "fire girl hasn't extinguished huh?" Soobin smirked. Miyoung looked at him with shocked eyes.

Miyoung's pov
Soobin leaned in closer to my ear and said , "i know you're single now , extinguished fire." after saying those words , Soobin walked away from us.

how did he know? extinguished fire? was Yeonjun already friends with him?

"what did he say to you?" Tia asked. "Yeonjun called me extinguished fire when he broke up with me. Soobin just called me that."

"oh my god , doesn't that mean Yeonjun and Soobin are friends?" Tia asked and i nodded. "i think so too."

"why that little rascal!-" Fawn was starting to square up. "Fawn , we shouldn't be angry over this. we have act like it doesn't affect us right?" Tia said calming Fawn down.

Yeonjun's pov
why do i feel so empty without Miyoung next to me? did i really play with her feelings or did i fall in love as well?

"Yeonjun hyung!" i turned around and saw Taehyun running to me. "what are you doing here?" he asked.

"nothing. let's go." i smiled. "isn't that Miyoung and her friends?" he asked pointing at them. "yeah , it is."

"you were looking at her?" he asked. "n-no , who said so? come on , let's go." i pulled Taehyun away.

"hyung , i thought you broke up with her." he said. "i did." "then why were you looking at her?"

"Taehyun , i don't know if there's something wrong with me but i feel so empty without Miyoung out of a sudden." i said.

"what?" "i miss having secret dates with her. usually at this timing we would be at the rooftop spending time together. and after school we would meet at the restaurant we always have lunch at. and she would invite me to her house after. now that i broke up with her , everything is not gonna happen like this." i said.

"but when hyung gets together with any girl , you move on easily." Taehyun said. "yeah but she's different. the girls i'm with are easy ones. the ones that will throw themselves onto me. but Miyoung is an independent one. she isn't the clingy type of girlfriend almost every guy wants."

"so hyung likes her for real?" Taehyun asked and i nodded. "but i don't think she'll accept me anymore." i sighed.

"we should tell Soobin hyung about this." Taehyun said and we went off to find Soobin.


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