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I place my kimoyo beads on my night stand and put my black cloak around me so I wouldn't be seen by anyone,I step out to my balcony I look around at the streets at night.

"What were you thinking?"I ask placing my hands on my hip and looking at an injured M'baku.

"You're not even going to check on my injuries?"he asks smirking.

"M'baku I'm being serious, you could've been killed."I say walking up to him and crossing my arms not even bothering about the piercing cold. I look out in the distance obviously not wanting to talk to him.

"Come here."he says finally breaking the silence and holding his arms out I glance at him and roll my eyes walking abit closer.

"What?"I ask with a bit of an attitude.

"What's with the attitude?"he asks placing his hands on my waist.

"You're the cause of this attitude M'baku, What if you got a major injury or even worse killed? What were you trying to prove? M'baku, Please stop this."I say sitting on his lap and hugging him placing my head on his neck.

"Leave us."He demanded, making his men leave the room.

"I'd never die that's one thing you should know."he says kissing my cheek.


"This,This right here is a promise from me to you saying that I will marry you one day."he says showing me the necklace around my neck I smile down at the necklace getting some memories of the day he gave that to me.

"M'baku! I can't go that far and you can't be here go home!"I whisper yell even though we were the only ones in the forest at the moment but you never know with this place especially because Shuri is starting to make alot of technological advancements.

"I bought you something."He says ignoring my panicking state.

"Couldn't you have given this to me another day M'baku?"I ask feeling uneasy and looking around "Calm down,We're too far from your kingdom."he says chuckling.

"M'baku,stop laughing I'm terrified what would King T'Chaka think, they'd probably disown me! M'baku I'm going back,yeah I'm going back."I say turning but he takes my wrist preventing me from walking any further.

"Here."He says handing me a small necklace.

"It's not much but it's a token, this is a promise ring of some sort, I'm determined to marry you one day."he says as I admired the necklace with the small black diamond on it.

"Marry? Me? You sure?"I ask looking at the necklace in disbelief.

"Yes."He says smiling at me nervously.

"Aww M'baku."I say hugging him tightly.

"Now will you be my partner?"he pleads holding my hands .

"M'baku, You know we can't and you know that."I say letting go of his hand and placing the necklace in his hand.

"Khwezi, Ndiyak'cela."He pleads kissing my hand and placing the necklace in my hand.

"I'm not taking this back think about it, please."He pleads taking off without taking back his necklace, I glance down at the necklace.

"M'baku, in order to fulfill that promise you mustn't die."I respond giggling as he started to kiss my neck.

"You've got a sweet scent."He says with his lips against my neck.

"Mmh not creepy at all my love."I say giggling once again making a chuckle erupt from him.

"Stay."He says looking into my eyes.

I gently place my hands on his cheeks and place my forehead on his.

"I wish I could."I say pecking his lips.

"But unfortunately I cannot."I say kissing his neck this time making him tense abit.

"I'm sure that prince wouldn't notice." he says, saying 'prince' in pure disgust..

"King, my love."I correct getting off his lap.

"King T'Challa, and I'm his protector so I have to be with him at any cost. Even if it means he needs a wife"I whisper the last part smirking.

"What?"he asks standing up and towering over me.

"Wife?"he asks raising his eyebrow.

"Of course."I say shrugging.

"You're going to be my wife."he says gripping my waist alot tighter.

"Of course, M'baku I have to go."I say kissing his cheek.

I really hope you enjoyed that!✨

Like and leave a comment[If necessary]... I'm not a huge fan of a/n's so I've got something to say I'll leave a message here.❤️❤️

If you can! Please help a girl out with a poster... I'm not very good with them.

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