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"What's happening?"I ask looking around and seeing my body slightly fading "They're bringing you back." Bast whispers smiling at me "What, How?"I ask look at her.

"When Nakia went back into the palace she went to go fetch a heart shaped herb for M'baku not knowing T'Challa was still alive."she says kissing my forehead and so did my mother... I embraced her for the last time.

"I love you."She says kissing my forehead over and over again.
"Goodbye..."I say smiling up at her.

I shot up awake catching my breath.
"It worked."Nakia says hugging me tightly along with Shuri.

"Go get dressed...the black panther is back."Shuri says smiling at me, I nod and jogged to my suit "Let's go kick some ass."I whisper grabbing my suit.

"W'kabi? He's against his own best friend?"I ask as I ran onto the battlefield fighting off his men I was quite shocked, W'kabi and T'Challa are such close friends.

"W'kabi!"I yell looking at him and making my mask disappear his face softened abit when he saw me because we were close too, he promised to protect me when there's any harm around me, he has broken his promise.

"I'm sorry Khwezi."he says jumping on top of a huge rock pulling out his horn.

"Wa-wait! W'kabi hold on! We can still make everything right! I can talk to T'Challa for you and he'll forgive you."I say putting my hands up trying to negotiate with him but he blew the horn instead making me feel the ground shake beneath me to see his rhino.

I was still standing in spot in disbelief not noticing the crowd of W'Kabi's men around me, my mask then shields my face immediately as they started hitting me, making me fighting some of them off as best I could but they kept coming back.

I then hear a familiar horn and a couple of the men disappear, a few howls here and there as well.

"Jabari."I whisper giggling and fighting the men off managing this time, seeing M'baku on the huge stone picking up one of the boarder tribe men making me giggle and run elsewhere after screaming a 'Thank you'.

A voice says in my head making me look up and see that Erik was about to stab her making me sprint in her direction before I could push him off T'Challa jumped above me and pushed him and went along with him "T'Challa!"I yell watching him fall with Erik.

"You alright Shuri?"I ask searching for any wounds frantically like a worried mother.

"Yes, I'm alright."she says smiling at me making me hug her tightly.
"brother, but your suit won't work too."Shuri says into her communicator in a worried tone.

"You better not be doing anything stupid T'Challa!"I yell through my communicator hearing him chuckle "The trains Shuri."he says making Shuri switch them on.

"Please help him Bast."I whisper closing ny eyes and hoping he doesn't die once again.

"The war is over."Shuri whispers making me look at the battlefield seeing the boarder tribe lay down their weapons and kneel surrendering, I smile and relax helping Shuri up.

"Uhh and when were you going to tell me about M'baku?"Shuri asks nudging me, making me giggle.

"Soon."I say shrugging

"He was quite upset when he saw you dead."she says sadly making me smile "Let me go surprise him."I say giggle and walking towards him.

He was speaking to his people as I walk up behind him.

"Understood?"he says to his people they all nod and pretend not to see me.

I purposely let out a loud yawn.

"Are you done?"I ask in a deep voice sounding like a mature woman.
"Excuse me?"he asks turning around with alot of rage but he looked down at me with disbelief.

"Hi."I say giving him a small wave but he hugged me tightly making me wrap my arms and his neck and embrace him.

He then pulled back and kissed me making me kiss back.

"Don't do that again."he says embracing me once again.

"Tell T'Challa not to die again."I say giggling and kissing his cheek.

Khwezi 🌼Where stories live. Discover now