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"Ooouu, These beautiful diamonds are as beautiful as you...
Eww so cheesy, from your secret admirer! M!" Shuri reads out load dodging my hand as I tried to grab the letter from her.

"Care to share?"Nakia asks taking the letter from Shuri "Well I obviously don't know because it's says secret which means their identity is hidden."I say shrugging and rolling my eyes at the childish Shuri who refused to give me the letter but ended up giving it to Nakia.

"Can I see it please?"I ask unwrapping the gift wrap revealing a fancy looking box.

"Open it."Shuri says impatiently standing behind me along side Nakia making me open it revealing a beautiful necklace with diamonds all over and a bracelet that matched.

"Are they real?"Nakia asks picking up the box and tilting it just to make sure.

"Give it to me."Shuri says taking the box and scanning it with her Kimoyo beads.

"Oh my Bast!"she yells in shock admiring the jewelry in the box "What? Are they real?"Nakia asks stepping closer to Shuri as she was in her shocked state.

"Yes! Every single bit! Real! He must he wealthy! Did you sleep with him?" Shuri asks handing me the box.

"Shuri!"I yell quite embarrassed because I actually haven't slept with M'baku and I know it's him who sent me the jewelry, this isn't the first time.

"Give me some of your jewelry because this person always sends you these things."Shuri says laughing and nudging me "Always?"Nakia asks with a smirk and nudging me as well "On her 25th birthday she received 25 fresh red roses, you must've fed this man something because he really adores you."Shuri says shaking her head in disbelief.

"Only 5 of them were fresh roses because Khwezi loves artificial roses." Shuri says rolling her eyes with disappointment "They last longer."I say smiling and thinking about the roses M'baku sent, he goes all out when it comes to presents although I tell him all the time that I don't want to be spoilt.

"Undibona ndityebile undiphethe kahl' udali.
Undibona ndicumile undiphethe kahle
Undibona ndityebile undiphethe kahl' udali..."

I silently sang to myself as I sat on a chair facing the mirror on my dressing table getting my bantu knots done by Nakia.

"What's with the love song?"she ask laughing "I just love the song..."I lied shrugging I mean I do loooooove the song but it reminds me of M'baku.

"Bathi hayi andisakufaneli
Wen' undithanda ndinjena
Say I'm not good for you
Wen' uthi soze wandiyeka.
Ubuhle buyaphela
You know that love is forever."
Nakia and I both sing.

"All done."Nakia says looking at me through the mirror making me smile at her, Nakia was like my older sister and I tell her everything, besides of course this whole thing.

"Nakia, I have something to tell you." I say looking down at my fingers and up at her "Ewe Sis?"She asks rubbing in some coconut oil on my baby hairs "I missed you."I say instead of the real piece of information I wanted to tell her "I missed you too."she says kissing my cheek and forehead "Goodnight, Sleep well."she says walking towards the door I blow her a kiss and nod "Goodnight."I say smiling at her.

I then waited until she left my room, I take off my gown and I hand a black long sleeve t-shirt and leggings on.

"Why do you look so dressed up?"I hear a voice behind me I close my eyes and open turning them thinking about an excuse.
"Is this what you didn't want to tell me? Where are you going?"Nakia asks sternly.

"Fine, I just wanted to tell you that I'm so envious of you, I mean you're brave and strong. You're dating the King for Bast sakes! I just need some fresh air you know."I lied looking down quite ashamed that I've lied to her once again, I'm not envious of her.

"Aww, Khwezi you've got nothing to be envious about, You're beautiful and brave and you've got to kiss alot of frogs until you find your very own prince."She says kissing my forehead I nod smiling up at her.

"...and a couple of gorillas too."she whispers winking at me.

I typed that during rehearsal😭❤️

anywaaaay! I hope you enjoyed it! Drop a few comments if you want and don't forget to like.❤️❤️❤️

Read my other stories!

Glory To Bast[Erik Killmonger]
There will be a sequel which is called Phambili...might change but it's under construction!

Monica[not very popular...but meh.]

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