Chapter 27

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A million thoughts rushed through his head as placed one hand next to Marinette's face to steady himself. This would be his first real kiss. One that he would be present for. Not a kiss on the cheek, but a REAL kiss. He had never felt so many emotions rushing through his head at once in his whole life. OH Gods she's so beautiful... Her face was lightened by the dancing lights of the awakening city. Her deep blue curls of hair were out of their usual pigtails, framing her pale face. Her cheeks were slightly rosy, her long lashes were still slightly wet with tears, making them shimmer, creating the illusion that they were much longer and darker than they actually were. Her lips were a cherry blossom pink. Adrien bent down, closing his eyes as his lips met hers. Adrien felt a tingle running down his spine. He opened his eyes and broke the kiss, one hand cupping the side of her face.

"Please wake up," he said, feeling the tears threatening to fall from his eyes, "Please M'lady... I-I can't live without you." He felt a single tear slip down his face and land on her cheek. "Please... I love you..." (ew what is this, Tangled? If u don't get it we can't be friends)

Slowly, Marinette's eyes opened.


Hello everyone!

First off, sorry for not updating yesterday, my life has been pretty hectic lately...

But uh

Holy shit.

That was the most cliché piece of shit I've ever written.

I aM gOiNg tO KiLl MysElF. Also, legit tho, that scene was literally Tangled.

DePreSsiOn InTenSiFieS

OK, so a couple of people have asked me why I didn't have it so Adrien has to defeat Hawkmoth to wake her up or some shit (which would've actually been pretty great), but uh...I have some plans for Mr. Hawkmoth :P

We need some more Adrien depression and a Hawkmoth redemption

Bye Bye For Now!

—Fake Angel—


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