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"W-what?!" Yoongi pulled away from Seoho, trying to control the boiling feeling from increasing an soon blowing up.
"Y-yes we... we were boyfriends back then for a short period of time..." Hoseok than looked back at Seoho who was standing there dumbfounded, the bitch side of Seoho was no where to be seen.
Then Hoseok continued his words. "... he was always like this, that's why i broke up with him."

Hoseok started to walk up to him, his face showing only a serious expression. As he came near, Seoho started backing away from him.

"What do you mean?!" Yoongi said as he watched what was going on.
He was getting more and more confused than he was.

Hoseok didn't answer him he just continued his actions, not even blinking for once as he stared into Seoho's soul.

"You won't learn right? Act innocent in front of me and then turn back to your ownself as i turn my back to you. You kept promising over and over, but look at you an asshole who kidnapped his own little brother, for what? For you father's place? For only a simple stupid revenge for no reason, and that's even from your own brother too! WHEN WILL YOU LEARN HOW TO BE A NORMAL PERSON?!" WHY DON'T YOU STOP HURTING PEOPLE!"
Hoseok was now screaming at his face, tears running down from his cheeks.

"You don't understand."


Seoho stood there for a second but then made a move, a wrong one. He tried to place his hands on Hoseok's waist and pull him eve closer as if it was possible.

But he couldn't, he couldn't do that. It was abvious that what he was going to do as Yoongi tried to pull Hoseok from him. But yet again they were both wrong, before Yoongi could pull him towards himself, Hoseok pulled the gun he had and showed it in front of Seoho's forehead.

Everyone held their breaths even Yoongi and Seoho.

"H-hoseok b-baby what are y-you doing?" Sure he wasn't scared of getting killed by Yoongi but as he saw Hoseok after a long time... he just couldn't think straight, it was like something came over him and took the control from his hands.


Seoho's orbs started to shake as he continued looking into those eyes right in front of him.
"H-hoseok s-stop!"
"Alright then! I'm counting!"



"I won't t-tell you his p-place!"


"H-hoseok you're n-not a person l-like this stop a-already!"


And Seoho couldn't take it, he started yelling out. Honestly noone knew what was going on with him, even he didn't have a single clue about it.


Hoseok pulled the gun away.

"Finally you spilled it out but..."

"H-huh?..." Seoho was sure Hoseok will let him go but things didn't go well just like how he thought it would be.

"...you deserved this."

Hoseok pulled the sharp knife with his spare hand and literally sliced the neck in front of him into pieces.
He watched as blood rolled down from Seoho's neck and some on himself, tears started coming out from those eyes, those eyes he loved so much before.

He felt like crying, not because of what he just did... Seoho was a person he loved so much but he was tired of forgiving him

and he knew
He somehow,
needed to end all of these
Back then.


〘ENG〙「 Focus - Y∞nSeok 」✓Where stories live. Discover now