t h r e e

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|| T H R E E ||


A/N Ugh short chapters make me want to punch myself in the face for being a lazy writer. E.

The teenagers stood at the parking lot, either waiting for their ride or killing time before they go home.

"Do our parents really think that this support group thing is helping?" Owen asked.

"Nah, my parents just sent me here so that they don't look bad to the neighbors." Griffin said, half joking, but most of them chuckled anyway.

"Oh my god." Talia muttered, but it was loud enough for the group to hear.

Two boys, most likely the same age as the troubled teens, were walking by the parking lot and just happened to see Talia.

"Well look who it is, TayTay." One of the boys spat bitterly once they were in front of Talia.

"What do you want, Ned?" Talia said through gritted teeth.

"Who said I wanted anything, maybe I just wanted to say hi to an old friend." Ned said.

"Well it looks like Tay has some new friends."  The other boy said once he noticed the rest of the group.

"Tell me, Tay, how did you get so popular? Again?" Ned said in a teasing tone.

"Shut up." Talia growled, but it still came out shaky and vulnerable.

The two boys laughed at her weakness. "Are you sure they know about who you really are, Tay? About what happened a few months ago?" Ned continued to mock Talia.

"I said shut up." Talia said, sounding a little stronger.

"Hey, man, just leave her alone. She obviously doesn't want to talk to you." Calum spoke up, defending Talia.

"And who are you supposed to be? Another one of Talia's toys? Man, Tay, I didn't know guys would still be into damaged goods." Ned's companion said bitterly.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll walk away right now." Calum said this quietly but somehow his calm tone sounded more intimidating.

Calum was stronger than the two guys, that was obvious to all. So the two boys backed down and walked away, but not before Ned could slip in one more snide comment.

"I wonder what Greg would say if he found out about your new...friend."

Talia took in a deep breath, as if she's been holding it for a long time. She exhales slowly but it's a shaky breath.

"Who were those guys?" Dakota asked.

"Just a few jerks from my old school." Talia spoke quietly. "I think I'm gonna head home now. I'll see you guys when I see you."

Talia walked to her car and drove off. And she couldn't help but think about how someone actually defended her today. She felt good, happy, even a little.

It was a foreign feeling, but familiar. Like hearing a language on T.V. and then hearing it in real life, familiar but not quite. You just know it is there and it is real and it is happening.

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