f o u r

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|| F O U R ||


The troubled group once again found themselves together in a little coffee shop after Calum storming out, and the rest following.

Everyone understood Calum's point, his anger just made it seem a little dramatic, but they had an excuse to get out of the hell hole early.

"I really don't like that lady. I just want to snap her neck so she wouldn't be able to talk again." Calum grumbled angrily, sipping on his hot coffee.

"That didn't even make sense." Griffin said. Calum sent him a hard glare which silenced him almost immidietely.

Owen's phone began to ring and he picked it up.

"Hello...wait, what are you-...again?! Okay, I'll be right there." Owen said into the phone. He had a worried look on his face when he looked up at the company around him. "Something pretty important came up, I need to go."

"Sounds like an adventure!" Dakota chirped, in another one of her cheery moods. "Maybe we could tag along?"

"I'm not sure that's a good idea." Corina said, furrowing her eyebrows. "I mean, if it's important it's personal, right?"

"Do what you guys want, I just got to go." Owen said, standing up abruptly. He didn't mean to sound rude, and no one took it in a rude way. Owen was just panicked and worried, they understood that.

"What do you guys say? Up for a little journey to wherever Owen's heading?" Dakota chirped.

Griffin, Martin, Talia shrugged and got up with Dakota and Owen. Calum and Beatrice didn't say anything but followed too.

Corina bit her lip. "Idiots." She muttered but got up with them anyway.

Dakota got in her car and told the others to get in with her. Her car was big enough to fit everyone. They followed Owen's car to wherever he was heading.

"I feel really bad, what if it's super personal?" Beatrice said very quietly.

"Well, it's too late for that now." Dakota sang.

"Still," Corina started."This is a horrible idea."

Griffin burst out laughing. "Look who's talking. What happened to 'too reckless and daunting' Corina?"

"You know, Griffin, you can be a huge jerk sometimes." Corina huffed and slumped in her seat.

"Look, Owen's slowing down!" Dakota said loudly. Dakota parked her car right behind Owen's which was in front of a small house.

They all got out of there cars. Owen turned at the sound of multiple car doors shutting.

"Oh my god, you actually followed me here." Owen said, clearly shocked.

"Yeah, I hope you don't mind too much." Dakota said, walking in front of the group to Owen.

"Whatever, it's too late now." Owen said-in which Dakota looked over her shoulder to give the group an I-told-you-so grin-and rushed to the front door of the house.

The group followed and enterex through the door after Owen. The inside of the house was a mess. There was shattered vase next to the door. Spray can string was all over the walls. You could smell something strange coming from the kitchen.

"Evan! Evan, where the hell are you?" Owen shouted.

"Oven?" A small boy's voice said, it sounded like it came from the living room so Owen ran there.

The group followed him to that part of the house but stayed behind at the opened sliding door while Owen rushed to the couch. On the couch, there was a little boy who looked no older than five. He was covered spray can string and mac and cheese, an innocent look on his face. He had the same hair and eye color as Owen so they suspected them to be his younger brother.

"Oven, you're back!" The little boy squealed, jumping into Owen's arms.

"Yeah, I am, little buddy. What happened in here?" Owen said, putting the little boy back on the couch.

"Nancy left." Evan said while peeling off a peice of string from his small arm.

"Again? Man, that girl has one weak will." Owen said, helping Evan peel off string from his body.

The little boy finally noticed the group of strangers in his house and asked his older brother who they were.

"They're just a few of my friends." Owen said, peeling off the last peice of string from Evan's small head of hair.

"Can they be my friends too?" Evan whispered into Owen's ear. Owen nodded hesitantly which cause Evan to shriek in joy and run over to his new group of 'friends.' He went to hug Talia first which caught her off gaurd.

"You're my friend and I'm gonna call you Daisy because of the dead daisy on your shirt." He said to Talia, then pointing at Calum, "I'm gonna call you Spike because of your hair."

Martin laughed at Calum's new nickname but it was cut short by hearing his own nickname. "You're gonna be Cinderalla because your shoes are shiny like glass."

He then continued to give the others nicknames such as Blondie for Corina, Smiley for Dakota, Shhherman for Griffin-because he was "super duper quiet and looked like a Sherman"- and Pretty for Beatrice, which she found herself blushing at, even if it was from a five year old.

"Hey, little man, why don't you go for a shower and me and our new friends will clean up this tornado." Owen said, pulling Evan away from the group to prevent him from making this situation more embarrasing.

"Okay!" The little boy cheered, obviously happy that he wouldn't have to work. He dashed up the stairs and to the bathroom, already planning to enjoy a relaxing and unnecessarily long bath.

"That was Evan, my little brother. You guys can leave if you want." Owen said to the group that was standing awkwardly in his living room.

Calum was prepared to walk out at the moment and was about to before Dakota spoke.

"No, we'll stay and help clean up. Right guys?" She turned to the group. They all nodded in affirmation because they all thought it would be quite rude to just say 'no' and walk out.

"Thanks. Um, I'll just go check on Evan to make sure he doesn't drown himself in the tub. Thanks again for your help, guys." Owen smiled meakly at them before he proceeded up the stairs to make sure his mischivieous little brother doesn't cause anymore damage.

"You know," Griffin started. "for a gang member, Owen is pretty nice."

Some of them laughed a Griffin's comment while others-Calum- grumbled about having to work.

So they proceeded to clean up the mess of silly string and shattered vase peices in the house of their 'friend', Dakota occasionally getting unreasonably mad whenever someone was caught slacking or working at a pace she did not accept. And they all thought Griffin was right about Owen. Owen was troubled but not troublesome, just like the rest of them.

Except for Corina and Calum, perhaps.

A/N I find Evan so adorable x3. E.

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