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Birthday: March 10
Hair colour/length: long deep brown
Eye colour: gray-blue.
Languages: (12)Mandarin, Spanish, English, Arabic, Portuguese, Hindi, Bangla, Russian, Japanese, Punjabi, German, Latin.
Status: Alive, in and out of cryo
Friends: Samuel
Personality: Closed off, loyal, brave, brutally honest, self-contained, headstrong, resilient, elusive, secretive, mysterious, socially awkward, SMART.
IQ: 267
Family: Norah Lynn Harris (mother)

Birthday: 4 july
Hair colour/length: mid-length dirty blonde
Eye: blue
Languages: (7) English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Russian, Latin, Japanese
Status: alive, in and out of cryo.
Friends: anyone very friendly, Brooklyn = BFF
Personality: Very friendly, a STRONG sense of Justice, will fight anyone, kind, loving, caring, thoughtful, reckless, just, modest.
Family: Maria Ann Holt (mother) Sarah (sister)

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