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I promised you I won't leave you hanging after that boy, huh? I am a woman of my word so here I am with another story. This time, everyone's favorite best friend from that boy is the hero, Lee Felix! I just feel very comfortable writing about him so the choice was easy. Besides, I felt like this storyline fitted him well. I hope you'll enjoy this story!

Please note that this is a work of fiction. I don't own anyone related to Stray Kids and the way I portrayed them might be different from how they really are since they are based on my imagination -and definitely not meant to insult or offend anyone. However, other aspects of this story, such as other characters and the storyline itself, does belong to me and I do not wish for them to get plagiarized.

anyway, on with the story!

anyway, on with the story!

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chapter 1

"Tssk, this cafeteria food is getting badder with every lunch break that passes," I scoff, sticking out my tongue in disgust as I glare at the lunch plate in front of me.

"Badder isn't even a word, are you aware of that?" Felix asks, frowning in slight disbelief.

"Exactly," I exclaim, causing several students to look up to see what this ruckus is about. "Do you understand now what this goop is doing to my brain?"

"It's pretty obvious," the boy agrees. "But I think you shouldn't blame the food, though."

I shoot him a glare, a glare even more deadly than the glare I sent my food just while ago. He tilts his head and grins innocently and I momentarily try to imagine how this horrendous substance would look in his hair.

Meet Lee Felix, my best friend ever since I saved his ass when he moved from Australia to Korea and basically all girls attacked him and he couldn't even defend himself because he didn't know a damn word Korean back then.

His round face with equally round, soft brown eyes, his cheeks dusted with freckles and his Australian accent were apparently enough to attract girls from all over the school and somehow, I managed to keep them away. Now, this boy owes me his loyalty, I guess.

"Yah!" Another boy sighs, momentarily freezing his chopsticks mid-air to look at us both accusingly. "You're making noise again. Remind me why I'm sitting with my juniors?"

"Because you like us, hyung," Felix happily replies.

Lee Minho. Another Lee that isn't related to Felix other than by friendship. He's actually a year above us and they met during detention. Somehow they came out of that room as friends and almost automatically, I befriended him as well. It wasn't that easy, though. He is quite the savage one and I dubbed him as Minhoe or Meanho pretty fast.

Minho mutters something under his breath before he moves his chopsticks again and takes a small bite of the tasteless goop the cafeteria served us.

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