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It was a good fifteen minutes until it was our turn to order. Felix decided on two scoops of orange ice cream on a cone, the most disgusting ice cream flavor if you'd ask me. I ordered a scoop of cherry and strawberry and after that, we went to sit somewhere in the shadow of a giant tree.

We're both enjoying our ice cream in silence, listening to the soft noises that come from the busy streets a few blocks away. you could still faintly hear the revving of car engines, the honking of impatient drivers and whatever sounds come with the busy traffic of Seoul. Still, I find it peaceful to be here, where the city symphonies mingle with the soft chattering of people on the plaza.

"Yah, Felix," I call out after finishing my ice cream. "What are your plans for tonight?"

My best friend remains silent for a moment, chewing his lower lip as he thinks for a moment. Then he just shrugs his shoulders. "Doing your homework, because you chopped my onions yesterday."

"Ah, you actually remembered it? Great, now I can watch my drama without worrying about homework," I happily conclude but Felix' stern look quickly make me close my mouth.

"No no, Minjae," he says in English, the sudden deepening of his voice catching me a little off guard. "You are accompanying me while I'm doing the dirty work. I have to do the same homework twice and there's no way I can carry that burden on my own."

"Fair enough," I mutter, not even surprised by the way he always exaggerates everything. Sure, making homework sucks, especially when you have to do twice as much. But a burden? If he wants my attention, he can just ask. But then again, Felix wouldn't be Felix if he wasn't so extra.

"Your place or mine?" he asks, finishing his last bit of ice cream.

"Yours," I reply, a little too fast. I don't think it's a good idea to bring him near Soojae any time soon, at least not until this weird request of her has been long forgotten. Things like this tend to go wrong quite often and I don't want to risk anything.

"Cool, let's go then," he suggests, jumping up from the wooden bench.

"I have to go to my place first, though," I announce, suddenly remembering that the books Felix will need for my homework are still in my room. "To get my stuff, you know?"

Shit, how am I going to keep Felix away from my sister? My parents still aren't home and I forgot to take my key. There's no way I can avoid Soojae when she has to open the door for us. Telling Felix to wait on the front porch will be too suspicious, right?

What have I gotten myself into?

Before I know it, my best friend is already marching into the direction of my house and in a rush of panic, I jump up and follow after him. Think, Minjae, think. This is a risky situation, this entire request of Soojae is just ridiculous and really fishy. How on Earth will I deal with this?

Felix seems to be oblivious to the stress I'm in as we walk over the sidewalk. He just blabbers on about I don't even know what, talking with exessive movements of his hands as he emphasizes his words. The problem is, his words make zero sense to me right now, I'm zoning out and it's not for the first time when I'm around him. I make a mental note to ask Soojae what this is all about tonight when I get home and if she doesn't come up with a good reason, I'm dropping out. I don't even know why I agreed in the first place, apart from shutting her up so I could go to sleep. Saying yes was almost as stupid as her request.

I know how I often make fun of Felix' obliviousness, calling him Mr. Oblivious and all. But for once, it really comes in handy. I feel bad but it's actually really easy to fool my best friend. Minho, on the other hand, immediately senses when something is off and I'm surprised he didn't notice anything during lunch. Or maybe he did and he'll text me about it tonight. But to be fair, he didn't seem suspicious of me at all.

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