Everything's Gonna Be Alright - Larry & Ziam fic

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 A/N: I've received requests to continue with this fic again and to take it off hold so I did. The first 3 chapters of this story was written a while ago as a collab with Estelle but now since she no longer writes, from chapter 4 and onwards, it'll be my own chapters. I've also made little changes to the wording to these chapters but the storyline and the rest are still the same.

Thank-you :) xx


Louis enters the room giggling like a freak about some dumb joke Harry “whispered” to him in the other room thinking that we couldn’t hear. Louis, Harry, Niall, Zayn and I, all live together in a double storey house in Doncaster. Louis and Harry have known each other since they were little kids while Zayn, Niall and myself have been close friends since we were about 7. We met the other two lads on the first day of year 7 and have been the best of friends since.


“LIIIIAAAAAMMMMM ! LIIII !” I almost fell off my chair when I hear Zayn scream out my name waving his hand in front of my face to catch my attention.

“For the 100th time, there’s a party at Josh’s tonight, are you in or what?”

 “I uhhh … um.. yeah, whatever” I reply without thinking to Nialler sitting on the other side of the room with a bag of chips looking annoyed with my thoughts still stuck on a particular “someone.”

“Well I guess that means we’re all going then! I’m gonna go shower and get changed now, we’re leaving at 8!” the little Irishman screams out from the top of the stairs. The other three run up to their room quickly to get ready in the remaining half hour they had left before we had to leave. Once we were all ready and collected everything we thought we’d need, we head out to Harry’s car and leave half an hour late to Josh’s apartment.

*after the party*

“LIIAAAAAAAAMMMMM, I’m hungry! Put me dowwwwnnnnnn!” he whines as I pick him up from the car and lead him up the staircase to his room. “Niall, shut up …. And can you like stop smiling at me like that … it creeps me out” He probably didn’t know what I was saying I thought to myself, especially after the amount of alcohol he chugged down thoughtlessly. He just smiles back anyway and within 5 seconds, he was dead to the world.



I slowly open my groggy eyes to the blinding light coming from the window across the room. I feel a painfully strong thumping in my head as I slowly take in my surroundings and recall on what we did the night before. I reach my arms out on either side of the bed attempting to find my phone. Just as stretch my right arm out, I knock over a glass of water on my bedside table that Liam probably brought up for me to help ease the pain from my hangover.

Less than a minute later, I hear my phone ring and vibrate somewhere near the end of my bed, notifying me of a new text message. I hesitate on whether or not I should go and see who it's from and what they want. After what felt like 5 minutes, I decide to finally get up out of bed. As I sat up, I notice a flashing light from the floor and look down to spot a text from Liam and a miss call from Harry.

"You're finally up I guess? Come down and eat before you shower or your food will get all cold. Liam x"

I smile while reading the text message from Liam, thinking back through our friendship from the very beginning, how close we've grown as a family and how much he's like an older brother to me.

"Look who's finally here!  About time Nialler!" I laugh as I hear Harry excitedly announce my presence.

I shuffle down the stairs and towards the lounge to find only three of the lads lounging on the couch practically on top of each other.

“Where’s Lou ?” I ask them, wondering how he got up so early considering the amount of alcohol he took in the night before. They all shrugged before Liam told me to go heat up my food that was ready for me in the kitchen.


We then decided to put in a movie and relax for the day, Harry and I went to get some food while the other two fought over what movie we were going to watch.

About half way through Toy Story, I was just about to call Lou to see where he has been all day when I hear a car door close and someone walk up towards the front door. The lock on the door clicked open and a very happy Lou entered with a red face and a grin that stretched so far up that the corner of his eyes wrinkled.

“Ohh nothing you need to know about” Lou replied when Zayn asked what he was up to.

The next 2 weeks flew by as fast as Louis did every morning. He would leave before any of the lads, including myself of course, were up and would come back just before midnight looking as happy as he’s ever been. We each had a turn of trying to get something out of him, obviously not because we don’t like seeing him happy but because we were all curious in his sudden change of attitude and his absence every morning lasting ‘til the late night.


Louis’ abnormal behaviour continued for about another month before the other lads and I got a text from him saying that he wants to introduce us to someone. We all agreed to meet him and whoever it was at Starbucks down the road from our place at about 12:30 – 1 today. Zayn and Liam were grocery shopping and called Harry to notify him that they will meet us there with Lou so Harry and I decided to take our time and go for the 15 minute walk.

“Where the hell is he?!” Harry complains, checking the time once again while his knee bounces repetitively.

“Calm down Haz, he’ll be here soon.” Just as Liam reassures Harry, Louis rushes through the door followed by a girl that I’ve never seen before.

Zayn, Liam, Harry and I all give each other odd looks wondering why Lou would want us to meet this girl. She was a brunette with wavy hair past her shoulders; she was tall and had a body of a model with sunglasses covering her face. She was wearing a plain black crop with high-waisted shorts followed by black sandals on her feet.

“Hey lads, how are you all doing?” Louis greets with a smile on his face, “ohh and this is Eleanor by the way” he adds after noticing the confusion on all our faces.

We stand up and embrace them both still confused as to why Louis wants us to meet this Eleanor girl.

We all talk for a while and get to know each other, she’s a really nice girl and seems to be pretty close with our Louis.

Just as we start to relax and feel more comfortable around her, Louis decides to blurt out something that shocks us all….

Everything's Gonna Be Alright  - A Larry Stylinson & Ziam Story *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now