Chapter 2~

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(Skipping Drive There~)

We walked into the halls of the high school and headed towards our lockers. What's crazy was Balz had a locker next to me on one side, and Ange had a locker next to me on the other side, and I was in the middle...That's actually how we met. Hell, I even remembered what we talked about. We just started talking about Slipknot and Chicken Wings, and we all became friends. Well actually, Balz and Ange were friends before, but they started talking to me and we got into that conversation and they became my friends..They're the only friends I have..

"C'mon let's go to the cafeteria!" I shook my head and said "Nah, man I gotta get something from my locker." Ange nodded and said "Yeah, I'm gonna have to pass, dude. I don't wanna even smell that generic shit, but you go ahead." He groaned and said "You guys are no fun!" And sauntered off in the opposite direction. Ange shook his head and we walked in silence to our lockers. I put in my combination and opened it. I grabbed a book for my first hour class and closed my locker door, putting the lock back on and locking it up.

"Alright, spill it. What's wrong?" I drew my eyebrows together and asked "What are you talking about?" Ange gave me a knowing look and said "I'm not stupid, Ricky. Something's bugging you. I just wanna know what's wrong, so I can be there to help." I sighed and asked "Why am I here, Ange?" He had a confused look on his face and asked "What?" I shrugged and said "I mean, why am I here? Why am I alive? My life is pointless, Angelo. Everyone hates me, hell my parents fucking hate me! Why am I here? I should just be dead.."

"Do not ever say that again, do you fucking hear me?! Don't ever wish to be dead, Ricky!" I shook my head and asked "Why not? I'm worthless..I'm nothing-" he cut me off by pulling me into a tight hug. I hugged back and felt tears stinging my eyes. It's a good thing my makeup is water and smudge proof. "You're not worthless, Rick..You mean more to the world than you believe...You're one of my best friends..I love you man.. don't ever say you wanna die, ever..Do you understand?" I sighed and nodded. He broke the hug and patted my back. "It'll be okay, Ricky..You just can't give up like that..Your life hasn't even really begun yet. You have time to change your life for the better." I smiled a little and said "Thanks Ange." He smiled and said "No problem, buddy."

"Ricky, Angelo!" Someone called. We both looked over and saw the school counselor, Mrs. Carter, walking up to us. "Thank God you both are here. We have this new student and I have to do a bunch of other things and don't have the time to show him around campus. Would you two please show him around? I'd really appreciate it." We smiled and said "Sure." She smiled and said "Great! I really appreciate you boys doing this for me. You're both sweet boys, and you help me with so much. Come with me, he's in my office." We nodded and followed her to her office.

She opened the door to her office and motioned us to walk inside. We walked in and saw this kid around our age sitting there, looking down at his hands. He looked up at us and knew he was gonna get judged here. He he was tall and pale, with stretched ears, and tattoos on his arms. He had jet black hair that hung low around his eye, and his eyes were rimmed with eyeshadow and eyeliner. He had on ripped black skinny jeans, a black Misfits tank, snakebites, and black Vans. He stood up and I felt two inches tall compared to him. Mrs. Carter walked in and said "Boys, this is Chris. Today is his first day here. Chris, these are Angelo and Ricky, they're gonna be showing you around today."

He smiled a little and waved at us. We waved back and I said "I like your shirt." Pointing to his shirt. He looked down at it then back up. He smiled and said "Thanks. I like yours." Pointing at my Slipknot shirt. "Thanks." Mrs. Carter smiled and said "See? You're getting along already. Chris if you give them your schedule, they'll be more than happy to show you around." He nodded and pulled something out of his front jeans pocket. It was a folded up piece of paper and he unfolded it. He handed it to me and I was shocked to see he had 6 classes with me. I smiled and said "You're in luck dude, we have almost every class together." He smiled and said "Awesome." He had a nice smile..He was pretty good looking to-Whoa Ricky. You're not Gay. The bell rang and Ange said "Come on, we'll show you to your classes." He nodded and we walked off to class.

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