Chapter 4~

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The day was going painfully slow as it usually was, but with Chris by my side, it didn't feel so dreadful. "So what's this lace like? Besides small." I chuckled and said "Pretty much nothing to it, really...Guys like us get judged a lot here.." I trialed off. He nodded and asked "Do you um..Do you get bullied?" I bit my lip nervously, but nodded. "A little..It's nothing really serious." A hand gripped onto my backpack, and yanked me away from Chris...I spoke too soon. 

I was thrown up against the wall by my main bully, Tyler. He smirked and said "Sup, Olson? Heard you have a new little faggot boyfriend." "RICKY!" Chris yelled, making all eyes land on us. Chris ran over and ripped Tylar off of me. "Get the fuck off of him. I don't know who the fuck you are, but stay the fuck off of him."  Chris hissed, grabbing Tyler by his shirt. Tyler chuckled and asked "Or what? Aww look, the new fag loves Olson! How sweet!"

Chris tightened his grip on tylar's shirt and pulled him closer. "He's not my boyfriend, but I really fucking hate it when people mess with my friends. You mess with my friends, you mess with me. Now stay the fuck away from him, or I'll beat your face into the concrete, got it?" Tyler nodded at him with wide eyes, and Chris let him go. Tyler scurried off, but people were still staring.

Chris rolled his eyes and said "Mind your own business people, goddamn!" they walked away, and he walked over to me. "You olay?" he asked, his face now masked with worry. I nodded and said "Y-Yeah, I-I'm fine."  He nodded and I brushed myself off. We walked in silence for a minute or two, until I spoke up. "Back there um..Y-You said we were friends?" He looked down at me and nodded. "Yeah, you're a cool dude, Ricky. You and Angelo have been the only people nice to me at all today, besides some of the teachers. I had one friend at my old school..One. But you're a cool dude, and I feel like we'd be good friends." I smiled at the thought and said "Yeah..I-I think that too." He smiled and it made my heart flutter. STOP IT RICKY! YOU'RE NOT GAY, YOU DON'T LIKE HIM LIKE THAT...But could I be wrong?


Short ass chapter, I know :p.

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