I hate that I love everything about you

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I open my eyes and realized I'm in my old apartment, what I'm I doing here and why am I feeling this pain all over my body?

Then I remembered what happened, I probably passed out as a result of Jason's beating. After looking around I realized he was gone and I thanked heavens for that, now I should go before he returns. Whimpering in pain I got up from the floor, grabbed Adam's paper work and left the apartment.

Every step I took made my body vibrate in pain. I decided to take a cab to Adam's office otherwise it'll take me three hours to arrive, the pain was too much, like never before.

I wanted to walk straight to the elevator door, I now know the way to Adam's office, but the girl at the front desk stopped me.

"Excuse me ma'am, where are you going?"

"I'm going to Mr. McRoberts office." Did I just say a joke or something? Because this girl is laughing in my face, I don't get what's so funny.

"Do you have an appointment? I guess you don't."

"I guess I don't need an appointment to see my husband, don't you think?" Her face turned pale and the smile that annoyed me so much was now gone. "Do you still need to make an appointment for me Ms?"

"N.... No ...Mrs McRoberts, please come in and welcome."

"Than you."

I walked into the elevator making the biggest effort to hide the pain I'm feeling. The elevator door finally opened in Adam's floor and I stepped out hoping to not find his PA, I still remember how she tried to kick me out the last time I was here. I don't need that drama, specially today. A sight of relief escaped my mouth as I passed by her empty desk.

I took a deep breath at Adam's office door that made me whimper in reaction to the sharp pain. I finally composed myself and knocked at the door, no answer from the inside so I did it again and nothing. Adam is probably at a meeting or maybe having lunch, even better for me, I'll just place the file on his desk and leave without been seen by him.

I opened the door and my heart fell to the ground breaking in shreds. I saw Adam kissing his assistant who was shirtless on her bra. Simultaneously they looked towards the door, Adam's face reflected how surprised he was, while his assistant showed me a smirk, now I can say I hate that woman.

I didn't know that to do, the pain my body was feeling suddenly disappeared, the pain in my heat took over. What can I do? I definitely can't stay here, I shouldn't have come. I'm such an idiot for thinking that Adam's kisses meant something to him, he's clearly playing with me, I'm one of his many toys. I hate myself for falling right on his evil trap. I keep doing the same thing over and over again, first I trusted my brother and as we know that didn't went well, and now I trusted my heart to Adam and this happen I deserve it for being naive enough to think that everybody's intentions are good.

Not knowing what to do or say I gave into my instinct and just ran away as fast as my sore body could.


What the hell is Emma doing here? She wasn't supposed to see this. Not a single word came out of her mouth but her troubled green eyes told me everything. I feel......guilty.... Really Adam? GUILTY.... Why the fuck is that? She's not your real wife you don't love her, actually you hate her. This marriage is fake that's why you can sleep around with whoever you want. She's not Amy, I can't feel guilty I haven't done anything wrong.

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