On the Edge

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Emma Ross

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Emma Ross


" Like I said Emma, it is very important that you find a way to make these payments, otherwise you won't be able to keep your dad at the hospital, I spoke to the board again and they refused to keep founding your dad's treatment, specially in his condition. You know there's no much hope, so they rather spend that money in other cases with higher percentage in terms of success in the recovery". I heard Dr. Collins in a stage of numbness, tears about to pop out making my green eyes look crystallized.

"How can they give up on my dad so easily ? I know he'll recover, one day he'll open up his eyes, Dr. Collins I can't give up on the only good thing I have left in my life .... Please."

"I'm very sorry Emma, I promise I did everything in my power to help you guys, I even waved my fees to lower the costs and persuade them, but they had their minds set, the equipment and medication your dad needs are very expensive, is a huge cost to the hospital, please understand his situation is very difficult". Dr Collins said holding my shoulders in a unsuccessful attempt to comfort me. I left the hospital feeling defeated and lonelier than ever, having to leave my dad at a place where I knew his recovery wasn't a priority was killing me, I had to do something, I had to find a way to get the money.

The next morning I woke up and got ready for work as usual. As I walked out of the apartment I saw with the corner of my eye a paper stamped in my door making me go back to see what was this about, my eyes grew wide and my heart dropped the second I read the title of the letter written in big bold letters.


Didn't bother to read the content of the letter I knew what this was about, I was two months late on my rent, my salary as a waitress wasn't enough to get me throughout the month, my situation was like a constant fight which I never won. I cried my way to work feeling miserable, I failed in life, soon I was going to be living on the streets.
Arriving to work with red puffy eyes I went straight to the bathroom to wash my face. I got busy with my day and that helped me keep my mind away from my problems.

Around 7 pm I noticed a customer in one of the tables staring at me while drinking from a glass of scotch, he was in one of the other waitress tables so I decided to ignore the situation and continue with my very busy evening, it is very common in this kind of job to cross paths with one or two creeps.

My shift came to an end and I was craving for a shower and my feet for some rest, I got my bag and my coat and headed out of the restaurant hopping to get the last bus towards my house, otherwise my very tired feet will have to endure another 45 minute walk to reach home.

I was nearly walking for 5 minutes when I felt a presence behind me, immediately a shiver ran down my spine, it was dark and very late, I could get killed in this empty street and no body will notice, I said a small prayer in my head "God please send an angel to save me". Right after I finished my prayer I felt someone grabbing my arm and pulling me in the opposite direction I was walking, I felt my body crashing into a hard chest, immediately a musky earthy fragrance filled my nostrils and I looked up.

If you happen to click in this story and read until this point, thank you so much, and please continue reading the chapters to come, i won't let you down. And if you appreciate my story a little more please comment and like. <3

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