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Next morning I woke up in Adam's arms, he was already awake and caressing my hair.

"Good morning." He said kissing my head.

"Good morning, why did't you wake me up?"

"I don't know, you looked too beautiful, I could stare at you all day long."

"You're such a flirt, that's why you have them all at your feet."

"I don't want them all, I just want you."

"I just wish we could stay here for ever."

"We can extend our stay if you wish."

"What about Demi? is been a week already."

"She'll be fine, Martha takes good care of her."

"No, I think we should go."

"I don't deserve you Emma, you're too kind, you care for my daughter like if she was your own, you have no idea how much that means to me."

"My mom left us when I was little, I know first hand how much a mom is needed, that's why I can relate to her so much. I will never try to take her mom's place, I know what my place is, I just want to comfort her as much as I can."

And with that he kissed me. Looking back to the beginning I never thought that cold and bitter man could be so sweet and caring. Somehow he managed to crumble all my walls and get to my heart. It looks like life is finally smiling to me.

I broke the kiss and whispered in his mouth.

"I'll go and take a shower, we still have two rooms to pack."

"May I join you?"

My cheeks blushed only to think of standing naked in front of him. I lowered my gaze trying to hide my embarrassment. 

Adam pulled my chin up with one finger to make our eyes meet.

"Don't be ashamed. You have no idea how gorgeous you are, don't you?."

I wrapped myself in a bed sheet and ran to the bathroom. The white fabric reached the floor and I stepped in the shower, warm water started to run down my body, it felt very nice in my sore muscles. I startled when strong arms wrapped around my body from the back. Adam buried his face in one side of my neck.

"You must know my sweet Emma that I'll take every given opportunity to have you in my arms like this, this time will be no exception." He whispered in my ear in a husky tone that he very well knew can make me lose my mind."

"Aren't you tired from last night?"

"No, and too bad if you are, because I'm not leaving this room before taking you one more time, unless you want to do it in the airplane."

We made love in the shower that morning before heading back home. It amazed me every time Adam touched and kissed me the right places, my body was a map and he had it recorded in his mind, he had some power over me and it was magical.

A feeling that things were going too good to be true got to me. I brushed off the feeling, I've been through so much that every time something good happens to me I freak out. Can't forget I have Adam now, nothing bad can happen if he's next to me, he'll protect me with whatever it takes.

We finished packing and had breakfast in the room, ready to go back home we walked in the lobby of the hotel to the awaiting car that will take us to the airport. We held hands and shared small talk as we walked.

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