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  Author's thoughts

Hey, readers!

I'm thrilled to be publishing this chapter and sharing it with you . I think it is very suspenseful and exciting and I hope it does its job right ..

Thank you for all the support I have been getting; it means the world to me!

If you enjoyed this chapter, please leave a note in the comments section !

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Faye's P.O.V

We reached our school's ballroom. At the entrance , we were greeted with Hawaiian necklaces and smoothies in which we enjoyed to the last drop. Despite the music's enraged screams, the room was spectacular. Gigantic cardboard pine trees and guitars were hung upon the walls and miniature pineapples and coconuts were displayed on the tables. The scenery was truely vivid and realistic. For the night, our minds were betrayed by our eyesights and we became citizens of the Hawaiian culture; on a cyclic vacation. We laughed, danced, joked and had the time of our lives. However, while we were dancing, Gabe was oddly peculiar.. he chuckled and giggled abruptly as if he heard puns that we could not apprehend, so I asked awkwardly: " What's making you so happy ,Gabriel?" He pulled me aggressively by the waist and whispered " You, my love." I escaped his prison and giggled nervously to lighten the mood. After that we partied normally in pretense that nothing had occurred.

   After a few hours of constant movement, we drove our happy train towards the buffet so we'd reenergize our bodies. Alisha and I went to grab the food while the boys aimed for the smoothies. Afterwards, we reunited at our assigned table. Though we were binging on our meals and drinks like animals, we still engaged in conversations with most of our schoolmates and teachers until our mouths had used up all the phrases and jokes they could manage to.

Gabe was sitting on the opposite side of the table, yet he barely glanced at me once. Though I acted as if everything was mundane and stable, my mind was striving to process Gabe's spontaneous mood swings. I remembered him as the chivalrous knight in shining armor. He had never pushed me to do anything I was not comfortable with, so his attitude was startling.

Approximately an hour later, gravity duplicated its intensity and I lost the ability to move. I felt the underground spirits pulling me into their homes . However, I was stronger than to give in and I continued to fight until I was drained completely. I decided it was about time I left. I debated internally about whom should take me back home considering Gabriel's stunt, but the sight of Nate and Alisha with heart eyes made my decision simpler. I informed Ali of my departure, and steered towards the Limo. All of a sudden, the halls turned into a carousel and then into pure darkness; I was consumed by the underworld.

I woke up puzzled and alone in a room identical to what I pictured a mad house to be : too serene , yet dark and bizarre... it was too warm and fuzzy to be true that it almost turns you insane. I looked at my comfortable pink nightgown, but it was not mine at all. This place was a stranger's home and I've invaded it, yet it felt like my home was invaded. I was unable to identify the unresolved. Was it me? It could have been me. Was it what I dressed or the makeup on my face? Was it my poor choice of decisions ? I did not even have one summarized answer to my questions and it drove me crazy.

   I couldn't control it anymore; the whole Atlantic ocean burst out of my eyes. However, I tried to stay quite
So that no one knows I'm conscious. I paced around the room trying to comprehend my situation for a while, until I heard footsteps approaching and then a knock on the door. I hid under the bed, shocked by the knock.. who keeps a person captive and then knocks on the door? The door hissed gently and the room was no longer dark.

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