Chapter - 22

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   Forth returned back to his apartment later that day. As soon as he stepped in, Cherry slapped him in a scolding manner on his shoulder.

   “Are you kidding me?” she said in disbelief. Forth made a face and rubbed his shoulder, “What are you talking about?”

   She run her fingers through her hair in frustration, “Forth, I’ve told you already, do not bring that boy into this mess!”

   His brows furrowed for a second and he realised in a second who she was talking about. Pha. He groaned inwardly, bracing himself for another lecture.

   “Do you want to go back to that nut job? He locked you in your room when you were 10 for three days straight without any food or water” Cherry reminded, “At that age, you could have died in that stupid chemical explosion he calls business”

   Forth settled down in the sofa, bringing his hands to his face. He knew it all. His beloved brother was cruel and selfish. He was ruthless when it came to fights but incredibly rich with dirty money he ‘earned’ through the black market.

   That was a world Forth didn’t want to go back to. But he didn’t want to stop seeing Pha either.

   “He isn’t going to find us Cherry” he reassured. She scoffed lightly, “How many times have we moved again Forth? Four times. What makes you think that he won’t find us again? You know he will hold a grudge forever”

   With those final words, she left him in the room to be with his own thoughts, hoping he’d realise a thing or two.

   As he looked up at the ceiling, his mind was filled with images of Pha. The moment Pha had realised that he was going on a date with P'Kong was extremely awkward.


   “What am I going to do?” Pha whined softly, wanting to bury himself into the covers of his bed. Forth looked like he wanted to say something but continued looking down at his fingers, “I thought you knew”

   “Of course not” Pha snapped, “I didn’t think he would ever ask me that! Ever!” Pha emphasised with elaborate hand gestures.

   “Are you going then?” Forth asked too quietly for Pha's liking. He made eye contact with Pha and he was squirming inside with intensity of Forth's eyes.

   “Well, I guess. I can’t cancel now can I? I mean, think of how rude that would be” Pha reasoned. He nodded gingerly, “Do you...still like him?”

   As soon as those words left Forth’s mouth, he regretted it. He felt like such a vulnerable boy at that moment and simply wanted to bash his head against the wall.

   Pha looked up at the clean ceiling and sighed. That question hadn’t crossed his mind in a while.Well, ever since Forth came into the picture.

   “I don’t know” Pha simply said. “Feelings can’t be turned off with a flick of a switch”

   Forth nodded once again in understanding. “Well, who am I to ask right? I already have a girlfriend”

   Pha flinched slightly at those words. He had almost forgotten everything that made this ‘thing’ with Forth bad and sinful.

****(Flashback ends)***

   After that conversation, Prem was getting suspicious and it was his cue to leave. Forth laid down on the sofa, relaxing his back and muscles. He really loved the way Pha worked him up during their sessions. He barely noticed the small smile creeping across his lips.


   The very next day, Pha arrived in school. Every time he walked however, there would be a small sting of pain but it was barely noticeable. He tried hard to ignore it.

   Kit came running towards Pha with a bright smile on his face, “Guess what I heard!” he cheered. Pha raised an eyebrow.

   “What is it this time?” Pha asked. Kit smiled slyly, “Oh nothing entirely special but rumour has it, P'Kongpob has a date with Prem’s little brother”

   Pha froze in his tracks with wide eyes. He could have choked on his spit with that statement. “Where have you heard that Kitty?” Pha demanded.

   He lifted his hands in surrender, “Chill, I’m not the only one. Some info got leaked and now literally the whole school thinks you’re his Boyfriend”

   “What!?” Pha shouted, “Boyfriend?” He said, astounded. “Please Kitty, please be lying to me!”

   Kit cringed a little, “Oh, he’s not the one you lost your, you know”

   Pha ruffled his hair, “NO! That was not him”

   “Oh come on, it has to be” Kit teased, poking Pha's sides. Pha grew frustrated and stamped his foot, “No, it was Forth okay!”

   Kit paused in the middle of his spazzing. His smile dropped and his eyes blinked repeatedly, letting the new information sink.

   “Okay, now it’s your turn to tell me you’re lying” Kit uttered. When Pha remained silent, Kit pinched the bridge of his nose, “You do know he has a girlfriend”

   Pha sighed, pulling Kit to a discreet corner of the school, “Yes but it wasn’t my fault. He started it”

   Kit rolled his eyes, “It took two people to have sex. Unless you were unconscious the whole way through?”

   Pha shook his head timidly.

   “That’s what I thought” Kit said, “This has only happened once right?”

   Pha's silence again confirmed Kit's suspicions, “Oh God!! how many?”

   Pha nervously smiled, “Well, four and a lot of sessions of make outs...” he drifted away.

   Kit sighed, “Then what the hell are you doing agreeing to P'Kong?”

   “It was an accident! I had no idea that he was asking me out until yesterday” Pha defended himself. “Kitty, you have to help me! I don’t know what to do!”

   Kit shook his head and rolled his eyes for the second time, “It’s obvious. You can’t date Forth so go on your date with P'Kong”

   Pha wrinkled his nose in reluctance. Having Forth with him was always exciting and fun. He didn’t want to get rid of that. His face however was not missed by Kit.

   “Oh lord, don’t tell me you like Forth” he accused. Pha's eyes widened and his mouth opened to defend himself once again, but he was appalled by what came out.

   “W-what? No! I don’t! I don’t! Don’t say that” Pha spluttered out. Kit raised an eyebrow and smirked lightly, “Oh sure love” he replied sarcastically.

   He walked off towards class, knowing Pha would follow. Pha panicked slightly, “Wait, Kit! You won’t tell him will you? Kittyyyy!”


   Meanwhile, at the nearest airport, a man, dressed in the finest clothes, stepped out into the streets. His sunglasses were propped in balance on his head. His fingers dropped a cigarette on the floor and his foot squashed it to nothing.

   His phone rang and he quickly answered it, “Weir Jathurapoom speaking.”


   Enjoy. Vote and Comment.


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