10~Doing Better

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"Isaac Lahey? As in Isaac who beat you up in high school Lahey?" Stiles asked through the speaker phone whilst Derek was cleaning up Luca's mess all over the floor.

"Yes, literally 2 days into my stay in this apartment-which I thought I wouldn't be sharing since I got a scholarship-and he comes in with his suitcase, and says that he's staying" Derek complained picking up the phone and holding it up to his ear

"Didn't you two make up or something after your fight?" Stiles asked as he recalled back to when Derek brought it up a while back

"If you mean bonding over our dead dad's then sure" Derek held the bridge of his nose in frustration

"What about when he helped with the demon hostage situation?"

"I'm sorry I was a little distracted in that moment to realise who was there" Derek let out a breath of; once again frustration.

"Look he helped okay, and perhaps wi-"

"He's a werewolf Stiles" Derek cut him off

"So are you, so is everyone else in your family, and your friends, your boyfriend was once a nogistunes' vessel, so what?!" Stiles exclaimed

"I just...I kinda wanted a normal college experience, you know?"

"Derek you are a literal werewolf who has become their siblings legal guardian, and you want to be normal"

"I know...I'm crazy, and I don't regret anything over the past year, I just never thought growing up would be so hard, and put that on top of balancing being a werewolf, and having to raise one, and then having one live in the room opposite, let's just say there's a lot of supernatural beings living here" Derek poured out what he was feeling

"Are you seriously going to use being a werewolf as your excuse of not having a normal life?" Stiles asked but didn't stop to give Derek the opportunity to answer "Cause let me tell you Derek Hale I have been living this life since I was sixteen, and yeah there were times when I wanted to give up, but using it as an excuse? You can't do that, cause there is no such thing as normal!" he exclaimed, and Derek smiled because usually when they were together and Stiles goes on one of his rambling sprees Derek can just kiss him to shut him up, but he kinda liked listening to this rant of his for once "Derek! Are you listening to me"

Derek nodded before realising Stiles couldn't see him and said "Yeah, I just can't get the image of your cute face out of my mind"

"Can you...ugh..." Stiles mumbled something under his breath, Stiles has learnt to lower his voice over the years since coming acquainted with werewolf's so he could say literally anything and get away with it "Maybe I don't know go to class, since the faster you pass the earlier you get to come home"

"I don't think it works like that" Derek pointed out

"Well it's working in my mind" Stiles said, they went a couple seconds in silence before a cry was to be heard "Oh, he's awake, you should probably go now...."

"Yeah" Derek said not really wanting to end the phone call

"I love you"

Derek heard a rush of wind on the other side of the phone and then a small crash and the phone disconnected, which usually meant that Stiles had fallen over and dropped his phone on the ground "I love you too doofus" he chuckled to himself before going to check on his little brother
After a quick goodbye to Isaac-which Stiles forced him to do-he made his way to his class, after dropping of Luca as his day care. His mum was a lawyer before her passing so Derek wanted to follow in her footsteps, he knew it would be a long road ahead, but he wanted to always have a piece of her with him, and this was his way of doing that.

"Morning class" A man walked in with a briefcase and placed it on his desk and then went over to the huge blackboard "Clearly you are lucky to have been assigned to my class, I am Professor Jude Taylor and this is Criminal Law 100" he turned back around and took a glance at everyone in the room, it was a pretty big space divided in three spaces with chairs, with stairs in between each section. Derek sat in the middle row a few seats up and looked down at him.

He went over a few subjects during the time we were in the lesson, he told us what we will be studying, the law, and then went on to say how he will not take any individuals who take the course not as seriously as they should. And once it reached the 90 minute mark we were to leave. Derek was about to exit when his name was called

"Hale" he turned around to see that it was the professor, he slowly walked over to him and it was awkward standing there since he waited for everyone to leave "You're Derek Hale right?" he nodded, unsure of where this was going "I knew your mother, if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be where I am today" he explained to him "I was wondering how she is? I haven't spoken to her in about...wow it must be 3 years now" he asked

"She passed away" Derek bluntly came out with

"Oh my, I'm so sorry, how are you?"

"We're doing better you know, look can I just..." Derek directed towards the door, trying to get the fact over that this isn't something he wants to talk about

"Yeah sure, I'm sorry to bring it up" he apologised, and he looked sincere whilst doing it "Look if you ever want to talk, I'm here, whenever you want" Derek found that a little odd as they just met, but at the same time he appreciated it, he didn't have anyone he could talk to-in New York that is-except for Stiles.

"Thank you" he nodded as Derek left the room.
Published~March 9, 2019

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