Official foster kid/school?

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Social services checked around the house and had Yoshi signed papers, Mikey now became his foster son.

"So now I live here?" Micheal asks as he sits in the dinning chair with the rest of the family.

"Yes, Micheal, you will live here until we find your parents" Yoshi said.

"In the meantime, we all talked and agreed that you will be going to school" Leo said.

"I have to go to school?" Mikey asks a little nervous.

"Yes, you will go to Roosevelt High school. The same school where Leonardo, Raphael and Donatello went" Yoshi answer.

Mikey looks down. Why are they doing this to him?

"Is everything okay, Mike?" Donnie asks.

"No problem, just a little nervous about going to a new school" Mikey said.

"It's gonna be alright. It's not so bad at school. That's where Donnie found his girlfriend" Raph said and Donnie blushes.

"She is not my girlfriend" Donnie said

"Yet" Raph says

"She's not" Donnie said.

"The blush in your face says otherwise" Raph said.

Mikey laugh a little, Leo chuckles and Yoshi smiles

Maybe school won't be so bad.

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