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Heyo!!!!! Just saying that i had to speed this up...


2 weeks has past. Jungkook and Rose had gotten close, not that close though. Little by little Rose forgot about the mission.
It was Saturday, Rose had to go to Jungkook's house to tutor him. When she arrived and went upstairs to Jungkook's room, she saw maids trying to wake up their master, Jungkook.

"Master Jeon, please wake up." A maid said with a little high pitch voice, sounding like a whine. Rose has gotten use to it. She usually goes there when it's Saturday.
She grabbed cold water in a bucket and threw it to him. The maids gasped. Rose had to endure that for 2 times and she couldn't take it anymore.

"F*ck!!!" He yelled while jumping in his jump while water drips. "Rose!!!! You son of bi-"

"What's going on here?" A deep voice heard over to the door. A man mid 30s was looking towards them.

"Mr. Jeon." The maids bowed to him.

Taecyeon? Crap!

"Sorry Mr. Jeon. We were being immature. I hope we didn't disturb you?" Rose said.

"You didn't. Also Jungkook deserves it. Making a guess wait." Jungkook lowered his glaze. "Well young miss, i have a meeting right now, i have to go now." Rose bowed, then looked at Jungkook. He had a sad look.

Soon Jungkook got clean and both started studying for 20 minutes.

"Aish!!!!!! I don't get it!?!?! Rose!! Can we just have a rest?!? My grades for English are going up so we can have a rest!!" Rose laughed.

"Honey, your grades is going up. By 2 points." Jungkook looked at her with annoyance. Soon he gave up.

2 hours later

Rose was checking the test that she gave him, soon she was surprise, then she handed to him.

"Good job! 89/100!! The spellings you are having trouble is you're using the big words like mischievous, but you'll probably improve that. Okay now we can rest."

Jungkook yelled with happiness. Soon he started playing Mobile Legend. It was 9:37 a.m and she has to stay until 3 pm, so she went and watch Jungkook play. Soon she accidentally fell asleep.

"Silly girl. Does she know that it's dangerous to sleep while a man is in a room alone with you." He smiled While carrying her in a bridal way to his bed dropping her softly.

30 minutes Rose woked up. Jungkook was laying beside her, but 6 inches away. Soon he realize that she woke up.



"Why does your eyes always look sad?" Rose looked at him with surprise.

"I dont know... Maybe i hate my life?" Both looked at each other. There heart started pounding.



"Nevermind." The atmosphere suddenly turned awkward. Jungkook grabbed her hand and dragged her somewhere. Rose would usually stop him, but not this time.

They went to his car and drove. They arrived in a beach. There was a beach house, but it's abandoned.
They went inside. It looked shabby outside, but it looks great inside.

"Wow~" Rose exclaimed. "Is this yours?" She asked as she turned around.

"No, a little girl use to own it." Rose looked at him. "She would always play here, but ended up getting cancer. Despite everything, she would always put a smile on her face. I know inside she badly she wants to cry, but doesn't want to let anyone know that she's weak."

"How do you know this girl?"

"I was in the hospital for a car accident. That time i wanted to die." Jungkook walked towards the balcony which showed the sunset. "I saw her at the hospital. She always looked happy. I thought maybe she's like that because she's a kid, but i found her crying. I asked why."

"Why are you crying?" The girl swept the tears away, but it kept falling.

"I-i'm afraid..."

"Of what?"

"I don't want to die!" She then kept crying, Jungkook calmed her down then she fell asleep. Her mom came in the room.

"Oh i'm sorry..." she kept bowing.

"No it's fine... What is wrong with her?"

"She has a tumor in her head... We can't take it off since that may cause her to die... She always looks happy, but inside she is crying quietly. She is a very tough girl, but sometimes i wish she wasn't. Reason why she was crying is that she is going to a surgery soon, but there only 48 percent that she will survive..."

"Did she survive?" Rose ask with full of tears on her eyes.

"Sadly she didn't. Some people take their life in granted, but they should value their life, lots of people want to live till they're old, but they don't. I just hope people that will think that there's thousand of people in the world that wants to live before taking their life." There was silence. Only the breeze and the ocean waves was there to hear. "I wanted to tell you this story because you remind me of her. "Rose. Please, if something is wrong, tell me." He looked at her. She had tears rolling, then she smiled.


"Friends." Both hugged each other. Rose looked so happy, but then she remembered that she was only
to know him to kill him. Sadness strike her heart.


Sorry!!!!!! I really had to rush this!!!!!!! It may end with 10 episodes!!!! I tried to make this story have atleast 20 ep, but i can't!!!!!!!

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