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I hope you guys like it~ I'm having a test on tomorrow and i just ended just doing this... i hope i dont fail ㅜ.ㅜ

Edit 2: Yay!!! It went well!!!!

It was Monday. Rose got herself ready. She was excited to go to school. She went downstairs and saw Mrs. Lee. She looked pale, but had a happy face on. She prepared her lunch and breakfast. She ate it quietly and went to school.
B.I wasn't driving her since he was in London for a mission. It was a new driver. It's Kang Daniel. He always a smile.
As she waved goodbye to Daniel, she started walking to the front door to her classroom. Suga was listening to music while Jungkook was trying to tell him something.

"Yah... Hyung please listen!!" Suga mouth 'no'. "Wae!?" Jungkook saw Rose and had a sweet smile. "Hey!"

"Yo." She said while sitting beside Jungkook. "Why isn't Suga oppa talking to you?"

"Who knows what that as$hole is thinking." As he rolled his eyes.

"What'cha call me?" Suga glared at Jungkook. Then Jungkook suddenly said sorry. "Aish... Ugh!! Im bored. Rose come with us. We have a secret hideout if we want to skip school."

"Umm... Sure!"

"Ah- no. No. Just no." Suga glared at Jungkook and he just sighed.
The three went to the back of the school jump the brick wall through at alley. There was an old vending machine that had a handle. They opened it and it lend to a secret room. Rose was so fascinated. As they got inside, it look like a modern.

"Heyy!!!! Rose right?" She nodded. "Im Jhope!" He reach over for a handshake and Rose accepted. "Well since Suga is gonna sleep and i know Jungkook won't do it. I will introduce you to everyone." They walked to the pool table which saw 2 guys playing. "This is Taehyung. He looks like a playboy, but he's a coward."


"And this is Jimin. He's spicy." She glared at him remembering what he did on her first day of school. They went to the kitchen where showed a guy with broad shoulders looking speechless with another guy. "What happened here?" Jhope asked.

"We're ordering pizza. He burned the steak." Jhope took the fork and stabbed the burnt steak and it was hard not even the knife can cut it.

"How can you burn food this much?" Rose asked. "You can't even cut it. You even burned the fryer."
Rose said with disbelief.

"That's what you get for a dangerous man." The man said. "By the way, names Jin. I'm the oldest in this group. That person who made that food, actually i don't even know if it's food..."

"RM." The man introduced. "Im the leader of this group."

30 minutes later the pizza arrived. It was 12:34. School was still happening, but they didn't care.
They ate the pizza. Rose and the members gotten close to them throughout the 2 hours of talking sounding like they have been friends for years already. Jimin and Rose would bicker with each other like they're siblings. Soon 2 hours turned into 4 hours of talking. It went by so fast. It was 4:30. Everyone wanted to go to the Hans River. Rose helped Jin clean all the mess they did.
They cleaned the table then the dishes. After that, they went to the Hans River. The breeze was warm. There wasn't much people since it was a Monday. As they walked she saw Jisoo, but with a man. He had mask on.

"Don't call me babe. You cheated on me. I don't want to date a dirty a$shole so leave me alone!" As Jisoo tried to leave the man grabbed her arm.

"Let her go!" Rose yelled.

"Aww~ a pretty chick is trying to intervene. Hey want to go to my house?" He said with a wink. Jin was about to punch him, but Jisoo kicked his balls. She then slap him.

"Don't ever show your face to me or my friends. Or else if you don't want babies~" Jisoo threatened while slightly touching his crotch. The man started getting nervous and ran away.

"Who the f*ck was that?" Rose asked.

"An a$shole."

Jin's heart started beating, but doesn't know why. This girl infront of her with a purple hair was glowing. The 6 introduce themselves to her.

"I-i-i-i'm J-Jin." He said with a blush. Soon the members started pushing him toward her with smile. Then they started speaking.
As the night falls. Jisoo and Rose waved goodbye to them as they walk the opposite way.

"What's going on Rose?" Jisoo asked.

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"Aren't you suppose to kill Jungkook?" Rose heart sunk. As she remembered her mission.

"Oh." With disappointment. "I will. It's just i have to keep close with them." She changed the subject. "How about Jin?" She smiled while Jisoo blushed. "You guys started talking like couples."

"N-no! W-we just t-talked about things!" Both started laughing.

Rose got home. Her dad was at the table looking at the T.V and soon turned it off.


"Where were you? Daniel told me that you didn't want to get pick up. Now you came home at 8:00 pm. Where were you Chae?"

"I wanted to have some peace time." She lowered her head.

"Do you think that you have time to have some peace time?" Rose didn't answer. "CHAEYOUNG! DO YOU THINK THAT YOU SHOULD HAVE FUN TIME RIGHT NOW!" He yelled.


"Thought so. You are not done your mission Chaeyoung! Get it done before you think you'll have some free time." He started walking away. "Don't be stupid." Rose stood there with a blank stare.


Thank you!!!!! Hope you like it!!!! See ya next time!!!

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