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The last bell of the day finally rang and I quickly packed up my things. I nearly sprinted out of the classroom, I was so excited to see if I got a new note. I love how these little notes can make me feel so happy and so special. No one has ever really done anything this sweet for me before so I'm completely new to it.

I finally reached my locker and opened it quickly, I picked up the note and read it. I smiled, as always, and continued to wonder who this amazing person could be, I can't wait to meet them one day. It does seem like they're trying to drop me hints to who they are, they clearly know about my running. I finished reading the note before placing it into my locker, I then left school with a wide grin on my face.


Good luck with the race you have today. I can't wait to see you there. Even when you're running and even in that sea of people who will be there, you'll still be the only one I'm looking at. I love how we share interests. Good luck!!

Le lendemain~ (The next day)

I got to school and immediately went to my locker. I opened it and looked around but nothing fell out. I looked around in my locker but the only note that was in there was the one I had received yesterday. I sighed, a little disappointed. There must be a reason as to why there isn't a note. Maybe they're sick or late for school. I pout slightly as I walk along to my first-period class. Maybe I'll get one later this afternoon...


I couldn't go to school today. As much as I want to, I really can't. I woke up this morning with a mad headache and I've been throwing up nearly all morning. I feel miserable. At first, I thought about just sucking it up and going anyway so I could give Marty his notes but I just feel too awful to do so. I have a high temperature and feel so weak, and that's not who Buffy Driscoll is at all. I hope Marty doesn't think too much about there not being a note in his locker... Why must I be sick?


The day had gone by much faster than the one prior and I slowly trudged my way to my locker and opened it, and just like this morning, nothing fell out. I pouted and sighed, I guess most of my happiness comes from reading those notes. I only began receiving them two days ago but they have already made me so happy.

I hope tomorrow there will be at least one letter. I closed my locker and walked down the hall. Why were there no notes in my locker today? Do they not like me anymore? I guess I'll just have to wait until tomorrow to find out...


I feel much much better. I'm not throwing up anymore, which is good, and my headaches have gone down as well. I hope I'll be good enough to go to school tomorrow. I pouted slightly as I thought about not being able to give Marty his notes today. He's probably so confused. I'll try and make up for it by making the notes for tomorrow even better.

Le lendemain matin~ (The next morning)

I woke up feeling perfectly fine, I had a slight headache, but otherwise, I was great. I smiled widely and moved to my desk, working on the two notes for later today. After I finished writing them, I folded them up and placed them in my pocket. I was finished so I went to shower and get ready.

I decided to skip breakfast and rushed along to school, once there, I quickly walked to Marty's locker before carefully slipping the note into it. I smiled to myself before skipping on to my first class of the day.


I woke up early this morning, feeling almost sad but I put a smile on anyway. I'm not really having that great of a morning but I hope there'll be a note in my locker to help lift my spirits up.

I entered the school and walked to my locker, opening it eagerly. I smiled happily as I saw a note fall out of my locker. I opened it and began reading, I grinned and felt my heartbeat speed up. I would love to meet whoever is writing these in person. I wonder what they may look like...


I'm so sorry for not giving you any notes yesterday, I was sick and couldn't make it to school. But, as an apology, at the end of this letter, I will reveal something about me. I hope you weren't too sad yesterday. I hope you continue to smile!!

                                          ~I love to play basketball~

Oh heck yeah. Another chapter that may have been a filler chapter because I need a bit more time for the next one. Soz bros. Peace~

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