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I've been so stressed out today, with all the tests coming up, I just feel so overwhelmed and tired. But at least I still have Marty's smile to brighten my day up. Speaking of Marty, I should probably go and put his note in his locker now. I went out and down the hall to Marty's locker, as I was about to slip it in I heard someone from behind me ask what I was doing. I froze in my place, staying there for a few moments before turning around. I looked at their face. 

Oh. Shit.


I was walking down the hallway because I had forgotten something for my next class, I stopped when I saw someone slipping some form of note into my locker. Thinking I could finally be able to see who they were, I called out and asked them what they were doing. They stood frozen for a moment before turning around and looking at me. When they met my eyes they froze again, their eyes widening. I waved a hand in front of their face but nothing happened. I shook them lightly but they stood in the same place, not moving. I examined them only to see that it was Buffy who I was shaking. I smiled and tried to snap her out of her trance again. She wouldn't budge. I'm starting to get worried, is she okay?


Oh. My. Gosh. Marty is right in front of me, he knows now. Crap, I'm such an idiot. I should have been more careful. But maybe he'll accept me. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I finally realized that he was shaking me. I could really move, I felt like a statue. Sooner or later though, I snapped out of it and blushed. He sighed out of relief before asking what I was doing for a second time.

"Ermm, well, you see I w— I was putting a not inside your locker..." I said, playing with my hands, I saw his brown eyes light up.

"So are you the one who's been sending me 'secret admirer' notes?" He questioned. I at first wanted to deny it but I decided against it. I slowly nodded my head with my cheeks burning. Marty stared at me and I smiled awkwardly, he pulled me into a quick hug. I hesitantly hugged him back. He pulled away and began speaking really fast, so fast that I couldn't understand what was most of what he was saying.

"Could you slow down? I didn't understand any of that," I said, smirking slightly. He nodded and began speaking again.

"I really can't believe that you're the one sending me these notes... Every day I smiled because of you. When you were sick I felt kinda sad that I hadn't received any notes but I knew I'd maybe still get more. Every day I began to like this person more and more. The more I received the notes, the more I like the person sending them. Now I know who it is that I like." He stated. I smiled and grabbed his hand. "I still have one question."

"Go on..?"

"Well, why did you decide to send me letters when you could've just told me?"

"Because I was scared..." I said softly, almost whispering.

"Scared? That doesn't sound like the Buffy I know, are you sure that was all?" He asked, intertwining our fingers.

"I thought that because I had turned you down when you asked me out that you would turn me down and you wouldn't want to hang out anymore like before.."

"Buffy, I'm really sorry about that..." I smiled and whispered that it was okay.

I looked at the note that was still in my other hand, he looked at it too before holding out his other hand. I placed the note into it before starting to walk away, he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him then into an embrace. I hugged back, taking in his scent. He pulled away and I stared into his brown eyes. Perfect.

"I like you, Marty. I really do."

He smiled, "I like you too." Marty let go before he opened the note and began reading.

"So I'm assuming that you're happy that your secret admirer is me?"

"Uh, yeah, of course," he blushed lightly.

"Awe, you're so cute right now!" I said playfully, he pushed me.

"Shut up," he giggled and I did too. He leaned in and I smiled, even more, knowing what was about to come next. 

His lips landed on mine, I moved closer to him and our bodies collided. There was nothing better than this, well, maybe a few things, but this is one of the best things to ever happen to me.


Buffy, Cyrus, TJ, Jonah, Amber, Andi and I had already made plans for a sleepover this weekend at Andi's apartment because Bex and Bowie were going out to do... parent stuff? I don't really, all I do know is that they'll be gone until Saturday night.

We were currently all sitting in her living room, watching Tangled, which wasn't a bad choice. I was keeping my focus on Buffy, though.

Buffy wore an amused smile that was honestly really a pleasant sight, I have come to realize that Buffy is more entertaining than most films, it is distracting but it's not like I haven't seen this movie before. 

Buffy laughed softly as she turned around, likely to grab some of the snacks that were put beside me. I continued to watch her as she did, as she grabbed some snacks she began to turn back to the TV but before doing so her gaze fell on me.

I winked at her and a light red brushed over her cheeks. I patted the empty seat next to me for her to sit, she shuffled a bit but before she was able to sit with me Andi grabbed her arm, pulling her up and into the other room. I sighed and looked back at the TV.

This chapter kinda moved along really fast... I'm sorry about that. This was kind of a longer chapter than all the others but as this story continues the longer they'll get I suppose. Sooooo... yeah. Okay. Whatever. Hope you have a good day, bros. Bai bai.

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