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It was almost the end of the day and I was running out of time to put the note in Marty's locker so I got a pass from class and made my way to Marty's locker and slipped the note inside. I froze as I heard someone behind me say my name. I slowly turned around to see Jonah standing behind me, I smiled awkwardly and looked down.

"What, uh, what're you doing?" He questioned.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. You didn't see anything. Please don't tell Marty what I'm doing. Please, Jonah, I'm trusting you. Please." I pleaded before quickly turning and walking away, not giving him any time to respond. I really hope he doesn't tell Marty. If he does my life will be basically ruined.


The bell rang and student filed out into the hallways, I walked out, too. I suddenly bumped into someone, they fell down immediately and I apologized repeatedly. They shook their head and said it was fine before looking up at me, I  smiled when I saw that it was Buffy. Before any further conversation, she had walked away. I sighed and approached my locker, opening it before grabbing the note from the floor. I automatically read it once it was in my hands. I smiled and held the note to my chest like a love-struck teenage girl. I grabbed all the letters that I've received so far and placed them into my pockets to take them home so that they're safe.


How is it that someone as you can look so perfect all the time? I don't know how but there is one thing that I do know is that you always look perfect. From your fluffy hair to the tips of your toes you are perfect. I've decided to start giving you a hint every week. Who knows, you might even find out who I am. Have a good night and stay safe!!

Une nuit de sommeil plus tard~ (A night's sleep later)

The weekend has finally arrived and I'm now relieved of the stresses of school. I continued to get the letters each day this week, it was something new. Those letters don't fail to make me smile or feel happy. I feel a little upset that I won't be able to receive any new letters over the weekend, but at least I have the old ones. I feel like I'm beginning to gain a liking  mean, I'mon the person sending me these notes, whoever they are, it doesn't matter. My feelings are all jumbled now. What do I do when I like someone that I don't even know?


I can't believe I ran into Marty in the hall. I feel so stupid. I was trying to get away Jonah quickly so I didn't even realize there was someone near me, and not to mention it was him! I hope Jonah can keep it to himself. I didn't—and still don't—want anyone finding out. Even though Jonah is my friend, I know that he sometimes tends to leak out some information which is why I don't inform any of my friends I was doing this. I really hope he keeps it a secret. I mean, I'd like to count myself as one of his close friends so he should keep it to himself.

Le temps passé~ (Time skip)

The weekend soon came to an end and I spent most of it hanging out with Amber, Andi, Cyrus, and Tj at the spoon, all those relationships made me feel like a fifth-wheel, the other bit spending time with Marty, and the final bit I spent working on the notes for this week. When I was hanging out with Marty this weekend, it was amazing. I love seeing his smile, when his cute dimples are showing I just feel like I'm melting (not in a gross way, only 13, remember).

I got to school and quickly slipped the note into his locker before leaving so I wouldn't get seen or caught.


I hope my 'secret admirer' reveals themselves soon. And if they're afraid, I want them to know that they shouldn't be. I'll accept them no matter who they may be because I already like them.

I got to my locker and picked up the note that had fallen out. I grinned as I read it before placing it back in my locker and proceeding to class.


Do you know that you're the first person I've ever had a crush on like this? I never thought that I would like someone as much as I like you, and that's why I write these notes. You are special to me. When I decided to write these notes, I didn't know if you would actually read them, or just throw them out, but seeing you smile as you read them makes me feel so happy. I can tell that you enjoy them and I'm glad you do. Have a great day!!

That's a wrap for today folks. I thank you for reading this (if you did). I hope that it was good. This was a filler chapter to satisfy before we get into the juicy meat that is the next chapter. Peace out dudes (or other things).

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