One More Chance

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After Rachel sang, Mr.Schue were talking something about Sectionals that no one was caring a damn about it. Finn only could think about the music that Rachel just sang, a few parts of it just are stuck in his mind "And I'll never be, quite the same as I was before these" He knows what she meant with that, that he hurt her so badly that she will never be the same, knows that he did that breaks his heart, more than is already broken.  ''And I'll never be like I was, the day I met you
To naive? Yes, I was
Boy that's why I let you in
Wear your memory like a stain
Can't erase or numb the pain,
Here to stay with me forever" This song is basically Rachel telling Finn that he hurt her very very hard, and he regrets that with everything in him.

When glee club was finally over he knew that he had to talk to her, he had to try to get her back and if she not accepts, he won't give up on her. Everyone left the choir room and he saw her going to the parking lot, so it's the perfect time. She were almost reaching her car and he called her name and she turn around and he run to her.

"Hey." Finn said breathing heavily trying to get his air back.

"Hey." She said a little shy.

"That song in glee club was to me?" Finn asked directly and she were caught off guards but quickly put herself back together.

"Yes." She shyly said staring at the floor with her arms crossed.

"If you're not over me yet, why you keep pushing me away? Please give me one more chance, Rach." He said to her.

"Finn...Please don't make this harder than already is." She said and look up right into his hazel, desperate eyes.

"How am I making everything harder? I am literally begging you to take me back." He said to her.

"Finn, I can't." She said to him, her eyes are teary but she doesn't want to start to cry in the middle of the parking lot.

"Please Rach, dump the date with the blonde dude, whom I still don't know the name, and be with me. I love you." Finn told her, his eyes were teary as well.

"First, his name is Sam. Second, you had your chance Hudson, but you could've waisted with a real relationship, but you chose a bet." She said to her.

"Do you know how much I regret that? Do you know how I was when we broke up? I was a total wreck, I couldn't get off my bed cause I couldn't stop crying, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't breathe, cause I can't live without you." Finn sincerely said and a tear rolled his cheek, when becomes about Rachel, he doesn't hide what he is feeling and he becomes the most sensitive guy ever, he is holding her hand and lightly rubbing the top of her hand with his thumb. She is crying now too, she hates what he did to her but she also hates seeing him like that, so sad. He is always so happy and joking around and see him cry, breaks her heart.

"Please Finn, don't cry." She said and put her hands on his face and wipe his tears.

"Please Rach." He begged sniffling and she looked into his eyes and his eyes are broken.

"Finn..." She said but she couldn't say anything to him, she doesn't know how to feel.

"One more chance, it's all I'm asking." He begged her while wiped her tears, they're so close to each other, Finn is still holding her hand and his another hand is wiping her tears. "I know it still hurts, I know that what I did to you is terrible and unforgivable. But I love you." He said sniffling and she looked down freaking out. Get back together with Finn or try restart with someone else? She loves him, but she doesn't trust him.

"Finn..." Is the only thing she can say before breaks down crying and he pulls her into a hug, that sensation that she misses so much.

"You don't need to answer me now, whenever you ready. Rach, everything I have ever said to you is true, I love you with all my heart. I'm going to wait for you, if you're going on a date with trouty mouth or even if you date him, I am going to die in jealousy but I will never give up on you, I'm still going to wait for you, I'm not just some guy that you met in the music store, I don't give up that easy." Finn said still hugging Rachel and they stayed silent for a while, just hugging each other and appreciating their little moment.

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