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Sorry peeps about this not being a chapter but I will be uploading a new chapter maybe tomorrow! Anyway thank you all for 1k views I never thought this would happen!!! I really thought that I wouldn't get so much love and support from you peeps... I'm so glad that you like reading this fanfic that I have so much fun writing I also hope you like the pictures!!! I love Meliodas and the Seven Deadly Sins so much and in fact I'm even doing a cosplay of it!!! Thank you all so much for the support and love that you give me and this fanfic!!!

Two things...
If you wish to see me and my friends fun Seven Deadly Sins cosplay go free to follow me on Instagram which is Emiko_Desu
Also if you have any questions/dares you want to ask to the Seven Deadly Sins characters from the fanfic or just me then please leave a comment so you can participate in the Q&A for the next chapter!!!

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