Meeting the team

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I walk through the door to the medical wing as colonel Marin leaves me. The doors close behind me and two people are staring at me, a long slender woman with long hair and a stocky muscular man with his hair in a ponytail.

Man: "*in Japanese* so you're the reason we all suddenly need a medical."

Y/n: "I'm sorry... what?"

Woman: "he's saying you're-"

Y/n: "-I know what he said, I'm wondering why he said it. My universal translator is working fine thanks."

Man: "*in Japanese* we've all been sent to have a check up for no damn reason!"

Y/n: "well you know my dad, he's not one for taking chances these days. Now then, who are you two?"

Valentina: "Valentina... and this is Kazu. You the doc's kid?"

Y/n: "hardly a kid but yeah I am his son."

Kazu: "where is your Holon?"

Y/n: "he's being fixed. Speaking of which, I'd better get myself checked up or I'll never hear the end of it from my dad."

I turn my back to them and walk over to one of the empty cubicals
Kazu: "right, wouldn't want to upset daddy now would ya?"

I stop and clench my fists... then turn and walk up to him, grabbing him by the scruff of his jacket
Y/n: "listen up ryuga waga teki wo kurau, you wanna act like the big boy in front of your crush then go ahead. However I will give you forewarning that the last two days for me have consisted of my entire squad dying in front of my eyes, losing the ability to return home until they lower the damn barrier, and crashing my Holon into a beach and nearly dying, SO DON'T WASTE MY TIME WITH YOUR CHILDISH INSULTS! fucking Hanzo main."

I release him and walk back over to the cubical then pull the curtain across and sit on the bed with my head in my hands. I hear them outside

Kazu: "why did he just tell me to be consumed by his dragon?"

The curtain draws back as the nurse walks in, she sees how angry and distressed I am as she closes the curtain again and kneels down and places a hand on my knee comfortingly.

Nurse: "mr Weller? What's wrong?"

Y/n: "nothing... everything. This isn't how I planed for it to go."

Nurse: "we can only roll with the hand we're dealt. No matter how bad that hand is we can't reshuffle the deck and draw a new hand."

Y/n: "you certainly have a way with words ma'am."

Nurse: "I'm also good with medical matters, now lie back and let me see to your wounds."

I do as she says and lie back. She goes through her checks, apparently my blood pressure was through the roof, gee I wonder why. The nurse leaves and I can hear murmured voices from across the room, that Valentina and Kazu, speaking to someone else... the voice is familiar...

???: "what he's in there? RIGHT!"

Valentina: "Cammie wait!"

The curtain is drawn back in anger, and as I look up to see who the intruder is I hear her voice again
Cammie: "OI you in there! What game you playin' to upset my fr-... Y/n."

Y/n: "Cam?"

Cammie: "I... h-hi."

Y/n: *chuckles* "hey, long time no see."

Cammie: "yeah, nearly a year."

Y/n: "yeah... what a year."

Cammie: "why are you here? I thought you were still protecting the UK from inside the barrier."

*DISCONTINUED* New high score- Male Holon pilot X Cammie McCloud Where stories live. Discover now