S1, Chapter 2: First Introduction: Tōken Danshi

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She looks at him with her nervousness fade away. "For now, I'll hope that we can get along." He said, reassuringly her health. "Thank you." She said.

The Saniwa looked taken aback, thinking that he saved her but it was someone else who was assisting him. "Oh! Don't thank me, it's was-" he told her. But was interrupted by a loud outburst of a mixture of excitement & concern, which she got surprised.

"She's awake?!" One called "W-Wait a moment Mutsunokami-san, What if she's still sleeping?!" Called another but the doors are opened to reveal a young man with a red Hakama & a bit-spiky hair, he looked at her with his eyes shinning & looking happy. Shirayuki looked flustered at the man, with the Saniwa shot a glare at him, grumpily.

Another one entered was a teenage boy in a suit, panting as if he's out of breath & a group of few men came in to see the latter. Shirayuki had jumped a bit with a surprised look on her face, then Konnosuke ran in & shouted "Everyone! You can't rush yourselves in, just because there's a pretty girl in here!"

What follows him are a large group of young men, some in Battle attires & others are in casual-wear in anticipation & chatter. Now she's both surprised & speechless as she looked at this tremendous sight, The Saniwa then whistles for them to be quiet. "That's enough, She just woken up!" Said the Saniwa in a stern voice that made some men heard his orders, while others really wanted to know this young woman. "Wait! Wait! Just what is the 'Saniwa'? Who are those people anyway?" Stammered Shirayuki as she looked at this kind of latter.

"Oh apologies, Allow me to explain. But first." Said Konnosuke but stopped as he looked at the other Men & told them "If anyone has other business to attend to, then leave. Anyone who has free-time, shall stay." And with that; most of them left in dismay, while others stay behind to learn more about her. Konnosuke then explained "The Saniwa, also known as a sage, is a person who traveled to the past to destroy an evil force that seeks to change the course of History." Shirayuki heard this & grew concern. "An evil force?" She replied.

The Saniwa shifted himself & said "The Time Retrograde Army; An enemy group that will not only rewrote History, but the Timeline itself." "Fortunately, the Saniwa has the ability to summon swords & manifest them in Human form; Known as the Tōuken Danshi." Added Konnosuke. "And we're the Tōuken Danshi." Said the young man that beams a smile & winks at her. This made Shirayuki realize that she just met them, "Now that you mentioned it," She said as she looked at them, "I've never knew your names." She added.

The Tōuken Danshi then looked astonished at the comment, which they apologize for not introducing themselves earlier so soon. "Then I'll go first." He said, which he scooted towards her side.

"My name is Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki, an Uchigatana

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"My name is Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki, an Uchigatana. My former master is Sakamoto Ryōma in Life, Nice to meet ya!" He introduced to her, Shirayuki replied to him kindly, "Yes, Nice to meet you too." Suddenly, he cheerfully asks her "Hey! Do you have favorites?" She got surprised at the comment but questions "What? Favorites?" "You know: Hobbies, Food, Anything! You can ask me anythin-OW!" Explained Mutsunokami but his Ear got pulled by a young teenager "Hmph...You're rushing her, Idiot." He said.

Monogatari/Touken Ranbu: Shintō no Saniwa S1Where stories live. Discover now