S1, Chapter 3: Memory Loss, Interogate & Decision

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Shirayuki's head ponders like a Fast beat Taiko Drum as well as her heart, but her mind aches as she keeps saying questions in her head & thought in worry.

'Why can't I have any memory of my past?'

'Other than my name, How can I never pick a fragment of my Memory?'

'But I can't recall a single thing or anything, so why?!'

Konnosuke, The Saniwa & the Tōuken Danshi grew concerned & Konnosuke is the one to break the tension. "Miss Shirayuki, Is something wrong?" He asked her, wanting to check on her. She managed to bring back her senses & looks at him, she then takes a breath & calmed her thoughts. "I'm Sorry." She said.

All of them were stunned at her comment & looked at each other in worry, Horikawa then asked "For What?", He tilts his head; wanting to understand what she's trying to say. "I don't...Sorry, I can't recall." She said, even she was trying to complete her sentence; she does her best to ease their worry.

"What do you mean by recall?" The Saniwa asked her, he seems to see what's going on with her. She decides to admit it, since everyone wants to know. "Forgive me, I don't remember anything." Said Shirayuki with a voice-filled guilt that they can here.

Concerned, Mutsunokami then looks at her & said "Are you sure about that?" She replied "Y-Yes, I don't remember any of my past, nor I could recall how I came to this place. I'm Sorry."

Then his ears perked up; realizing what she meant. "Ah! That means She's having an Amnesia! Arujin-Sama, How can we deal with this?" Konnosuke told the Saniwa, whom he grew worried from the latter & the rest of the Tōuken Danshi were talking through this situation. Izuminokami looks at her as she looks at the others with her troubled expression on her face, so he decides to ask her; just to be sure.

"Did you have a place to go, Ma'am?" He asked her, she then looks at him in a response & glance, which all of them went silent for her to respond. She closes her eyes to think, then opened her eyes a few seconds later. "No, I'm afraid not." Replied Shirayuki as she shook her head, he then walks to her side to ask more. "Do you have any relatives that can look after you?" Said Izuminokami, looking at her red, blood-colored eyes that reflects his blue & teal mixed eyes which made her blush a bit, but replied "To be honest, I can't remember any of them or their faces."

Mutsunokami then spoke up to join in the conversation. "Oi Izuminokami! If she doesn't have a home to go to, then let her stay!" He told him, knowing how he grew concerned of her & Everyone hearing his comment made them chatter of mixed terms of agreement & disagreement.

The Saniwa heard this latter & whistles to silence them, he then looked at Shirayuki, who she felt this nervous & anxious about staying here, begins to explain "So not only she lost her memories, but she no longer has a place to stay then." He said, with a thought on his mind. But Izuminokami stood up & said "But you do realize that she can't stay here at all.", With a solmen look & Eyes closed.

Mutsunokami heard this & bring his face close to his with anger like sparks in his eyes. "Hey, you can't push her away like that! She has nowhere to go & doesn't know how she managed to get here!" He shouted.

Izuminokami then glared with eyes of fire at him, Shirayuki not only heard his comment; but the tension that arises made her uneasy

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Izuminokami then glared with eyes of fire at him, Shirayuki not only heard his comment; but the tension that arises made her uneasy. 'I hope that I wasn't a burden to everyone.' She thought, but she heard him say "She may lost her memories, but she has to return to her timeline; we don't know for sure as of now." He explained with a stern voice, but Mutsunokami had to hug at her side to comfort her; which in turn made her blush in shades of red.

"Just look at her face, you can't ignore that face! She had to stay!" He replied, that he shook her from left to right, Shirayuki looked confused & flustered at the same time. Konnosuke jumps up & whacks Mutsunokami in the face with his bushy tail that backed him off. "Back off, she needed some space!" He shouted.

The Saniwa angrily whistles to silence them, then takes a deep breath to calm himself. "Very well, she may have a reason that she doesn't have memories & no longer has a place to live: She'll stay here, but once she managed to regain her memory; She can leave." He explained firmly.

Hearing this made most Tōuken Danshi agreed of his decision, Mutsunokami then got up & hugs the Saniwa in glee; knowing that he made the right decision.

Hearing this made most Tōuken Danshi agreed of his decision, Mutsunokami then got up & hugs the Saniwa in glee; knowing that he made the right decision

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"Thanks Arujin-Sama! I knew that you'll understand!" He said happily. She then breathes in relief & looked at the others "I'll do my best to help around." Said Shirayuki, hoping that she wouldn't let them down.

"Just don't get too attached though." Izuminokami commented, as he shifted his gaze from her, which she just smiled gently. Just then a young woman in a green-emerald kimono, a dark-brown hair tied in a ponytail with a white ribbon & skin of peach.

"Excuse me, but I brought you new clothes." She said.

Monogatari/Touken Ranbu: Shintō no Saniwa S1Where stories live. Discover now