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Tracy was awoken to the loud and distant sounds of what seemed to be someone throwing rocks at her window

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Tracy was awoken to the loud and distant sounds of what seemed to be someone throwing rocks at her window. At this point, she was still so disoriented and hungover that she tried to go back to sleep, but the sound just got louder. Out of both fear and curiosity, she slowly made her way to the window to see who or what was throwing things. She looked out the window and couldn't believe who she was looking at — it was Kurt.
She looked to her right and saw the time was exactly two in the morning. She smiled to herself knowing that she had made a good impression on Kurt for him to come find her. She opened her window and softly spoke.
"Are you insane? What are you doing here?" Kurt smiled up at her and replied, "I'm only a little insane, but I asked everyone on this block if they knew a Tracy and they all pointed to this one." Tracy was in awe, but she was also still disoriented considering it was still two in the morning.
"Kurt, I'm really glad you cared enough to come find me, but I'm not really ready for any type of commitment thing. Love irritates me." Kurt quickly replied, "I'm not ready for anything either, but something tells me that you might be able to change that."
Tracy smiled one of her million dollar smiles and said, "I'll buzz you up."

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