4 - The same mistake.

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It was yet again the most boring day ever. Joe was not in the mood to talk to people on school, scratch that. He was just not in the mood to see them. He just wanted to throw his phone at the wall when it kept making noise. Besides the point that Joe never really had any intention to do anything, he still had a boring life. He sighed as he stood up out of his bed and headed to the bathroom. He couldn't care less that people didn't want to hangout with him since Joe didn't even think about hanging out with them in the first place. Really, he wasn't that interested in people or let's just say, life in general. 

" You came. " Rami said as he laughed at his own words. " That's what she said. " Joe rolled his eyes opening his locker to grab his books. Rami sighed deeply looking at the boy just grabbing his books until his head turned towards Rami. " What? " He asked. " Nothing. " Rami said as he kept his mouth shut since he knew even though if he told Joe that he was being really lifeless, just as always, that Joe would only respond with a shrug and suggest him to leave making Rami feel bad.

" Let's go. " Joe said as he shut the locker and walked ahead having the blackhaired boy run after him trying to catch up.

Joe was glad when his last two classes got cancelled because of whatever reason, he didn't really listen to that part since the moment he heard the news he could sigh in relief. " Do you wanna hangout? " Rami asked and Joe only had to look at the boy to give him a clear answer. Rami put his hand on Joe's shoulder which he knew that Joe didn't like since he never really liked any contact. Rami only gave him a short smile before he stood up and left.

Joe stayed in the classroom for a couple more seconds so he was sure the hallway wouldn't be that full of students. When he heard no one outside anymore he stood up and left.

Joe walked into his apartment feeling a sudden wave of calm. This place was really the only thing what could keep him together. However while Joe laid down on bed for the past two hours he felt himself getting bored. He just shrugged it off as he stood up and walked to the livingroom to watch some TV. It was fun for a couple of minutes but soon after he was sure he watched almost every show his boredom grew again. Joe tried something new and decided to lay upside down to only sit straight up again since the blood rushing to his head was making him feel dizzy. After a minute coming down from the lightness he stood up walking to his bedroom again falling down on his bed. He turned around to grab his phone again but was met with a crumbled up note. Joe rolled his eyes, he forgot to throw it away. He didn't even know why he opened it up again. He read the phone number again and again and again, probably so many times he wouldn't be surprised he would remember it forever. 

Joe threw it away again making it land on the ground. He was mad at himself for even looking at it. He scrolled through his instagram and opened up his snapchat looking at stories of some people. The thought of the note laying somewhere on the ground kept running through his head. He didn't know why he was physically fighting the urge to pick it up and dial the number. Joe put his phone down trying to maybe catch some sleep. After a couple of minutes of him just having his eyes shut he sighed in frustration as he stood up again. 

He doubled checked the digits before he pressed ' call ' waiting impatiently as he bounced his leg. It wasn't until a couple of rings that Joe began to realize what he was doing. He promised himself to forget about it, he even told the boy to just move on. Joe was about to end the call when a deep " Hello? " replaced the ringing sound. Joe released the breath he had been holding. 

It wasn't forty-five minutes later until Joe appeared knocking on Ben's door standing there rather awkward hesitating to just run away.

WELL that was an adventure. ( talking about borhapinsider ) yall probably know about it right?? i really thought it was joe but i feel like boo boo the fool now knowing it were his friends 🤡 well anyways i never used so many fucking braincells to investigate a whole ass account.

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