20- Unlucky.

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Joe woke up feeling broken. He really wasn't in the mood to actually get up for school, he just wanted to turn around and sleep for maybe his whole life. Why does he feel so miserable? Not because of Ben, that's for sure. 

Who was he lying to, of course it was because of Ben. 

" Finally! " Rami clasped his hands when he saw Joe walking towards him with dark circles underneath his eyes. " What? " Joe asked as he opened his locker and grabbed his biology book. " I almost thought that you wouldn't come. " Rami explained. " Didn't want to miss school. " Joe exclaimed sarcastically happy through gritted teeth. " That's the spirit! " Rami said as he put his arm around his friend's shoulder. 

Joe didn't even hear anything Rami was talking about. He was just trying his best to forget everything until he saw Lucy standing in the corner talking to some other guy. Joe got flashbacks to whenever he wanted to be alone with Ben, she had to be there as well. Lucy spotted him and she quickly left the boy who was still talking to her. Joe saw her approaching him so he already turned around making Rami confused as hell. " Joe! Joe wait! " Lucy said as she started jogging towards the boy who was now walking in the other direction. " Listen I know- " Lucy started but Joe cut her off. " I don't like you. " Joe stated as he kept walking further. " I know that! And I know we didn't had a good start or anything but please let me talk to you! " Joe sighed deeply before he suddenly stopped his tracks. " Joe please- " 

" If you're going to bring up the fact that you and Ben kissed well congratulations I couldn't care less. "  Joe said while still holding his gaze towards the ground. " What? No? Didn't Ben tell you? " Lucy raised her eyebrow while looking at the boy next to her. " What? How good it felt? No he fucking didn- " 

" We didn't fucking kiss you dipshit! " She yelled in a whisper. Joe looked at her in uttershock since he never was really prepared for Lucy to kind of raise her voice. " But I saw you two together, you kissed him? " Lucy sighed deeply while she closed her eyes. " I tried to kiss him yeah but he declined. " Joe looked at her in confusion. " How do you decline a fucking kiss while you were halfway dry humping him on the street? " Joe asked getting a slap on his arm from the girl. " I wasn't fucking dry humping him you blind pig! " Lucy exclaimed before looking around her to see if anyone was listening but lucky enough they were not. " Well if you say so, dry humper- " Joe started but Lucy cut him off. " Joe he gently pushed me away! He said that he was gay! " Lucy said making Joe's eyes go wide. " Ben? Gay? You probably have the wrong on- " Joe got cut off yet again by the girl. " Oh please don't act as if you two weren't shagging. " Joe's head snapped at all the different directions to see if someone would've heard that. " What? I don't know what you- "

" Oh shut up he literally said it to me! " Lucy whispered leaning in. " He said ' I'm sorry I'm actually gay I've been fucking Joe. Sorry. ' Well if that isn't something I don't know. " Joe looked at her, his heart was actually beating really loudly inside his chest. " Wha- " Joe got cut off by the bell ringing loudly making the students start walking in their direction. " Oh I gotta go! Nice talk! " Lucy said as she walked off to her class. Rami was nowhere to be found so Joe just started walking in the direction he thought he was supposed to be. 

" Joseph you're late. " The professor said. " Sorry sir I was in the wrong class. " He could hear some snickering and laughters from the other students in the class. " Don't let this happen again, go sit I'd like to begin my lesson. " Joe nodded swiftly before walking his way towards Rami. " I'm sorry. " Joe apologized as he looked at Rami who was trying his best to avoid his gaze. " Lucy held me up I also don't know wh- " 

" No I get it. " Rami cut him off. " Rami please let me explain, I have nothing with her you know I would tell y- " 

" Joseph, you're late to class and now you're also talking while I'm giving my lesson? I mean I have all day. " Joe snapped his head towards the man. " I'm sorry, it won't happen again. " Joe apologized shyly as the teacher just lingered his gaze at him before he just continued talking. " So the bone structure is actually- " The voice faded as Joe wasn't paying attention to anything what was happening. He grabbed his pencil and ripped of a piece of paper. When he finished writing he shoved it towards Rami. He saw the boy scribbling after he read it. 

' I don't wanna talk rn. ' 

Seriously? The dot? How more formal can you get. 

' im so sorry u know i would never go with your crush '

Seconds later he got another piece of paper shoved on his desk. 

' I don't know at this point, I mean you are done with Ben and now you are just going to fuck with my crush? ' 

" I'm not going to fuck her! " Joe said outloud not realizing he just practically yelled that. The students began laughing loudly and uncontrollably. " Joseph I see you after school. " The man said. " But sir I- " 

" I don't care who you have intercourses with! After school you can talk about it for hours! " The teacher raised his voice making Joe flinch. Well if this day just couldn't get any worse.

HEY. sorrysorrysorrysorry for not updating but i promise i will finish this story tonight!! i really hope yall liked this part it was just really that ive been busy lately 😔😔👋🏼👋🏼

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