I'm bUSY

33 1 6

BlondieBoi: I'm just saying, the mama duck would lure the crocodile away from her babies and hide in a bush once they're safe!

The North Star: the mama duck would let the crocodile eat het to save the babies!

Sigh: North no-

BlondieBoi: that's not what would happen!

The North Star: if u had babies would u sacrifice yourself to save them?

BlondieBoi: well...I mean, YEAH, but I would try to make sure everyone gets out alive

The North Star: L A M E- and what if there was no bush? She dies!

Sigh: North sTOP-

RoboCop is online

RoboCop: stop blowing up my phone with notifs!

RoboCop: what r u even fighting about?!

The North Star: if a mama duck would save her babies from a crocodile by luring it away or sacrificing herself

Robot Jayzus is online

Robot Jayzus: guys stop I'm in a meeting

Terminator is online

Terminator: can I work without getting interrupted by this

Sinnamonroll is online

Sinnamonroll: can u guys stahp

The North Star: anyways, the mama duck would die for the ducklings

RoboCop: stoP NOW

Robot Jayzus: pls I need to get back to the meeting without interruptions

Terminator: I feel like I'm the only smart person here sometimes

RoboCop: ugh screw this-

RoboCop is offline

Terminator is offline

Robot Jayzus is offline

Sinnamonroll is offline

BlondieBoi: the mama duck would RUN-

Sigh: guys stop 4 ppl just said they were busy-

The North Star: y u so boring Josh?

RoboCop is online

RoboCop: guys stahp

RoboCop: I'm bUSY!

RoboCop is offline

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